Hi envogueagency,
I am not sure about your question.
If you want a the slideshow show in your home page, please assign it to display on home page.
If you want to show the grid view item like our demo. Please go to menu item and assign some categories to it. Also, please make sure that menu item has the type is K2 >> Categories.
Please note, you can not have both Gridview and Slideshow on the same page.
For the slideshow.
The image should be automatic resize. It will keep the image ratio. It will be good if you resize all images to the same size, but please keep the ratio. As you said, you have resized those images. Please resize again. Make sure you keep the ratio of the image.
I have take a look and see that the image has been resized to wrong ratio.
For ex: http://envoguemodelingagency.com/images/demo/slideshow/adria.jpg
If you still have problem, please let me know.
For category and timeline.
– Timeline:
Please select the same categories as you have selected when you edit the menu item (Home menu item).
– Category
Please select the parent category of all category.
PS. I have create a parent category ‘All contents’
Hope this help.