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  • billyk Friend

    hi there,

    i hope this message finds all well and happy!

    i have modified the ja_pariiti template quite a bit and on the frontpage, i have no article published there, and there is a big white space where the content should be. using the firefox web developer tool bar, i have found this code:

    #ja-content div.innerpad (line 775)


    clear: both;

    margin-top: 0pt;

    margin-right: 0pt;

    margin-bottom: 0pt;

    margin-left: 0pt;

    padding-top: 0pt;

    padding-right: 15px;

    padding-bottom: 0pt;

    padding-left: 15px;

    display: block;

    height: 400px;


    html > body #ja-content div.innerpad (line 783)


    height: auto;

    min-height: 400px;


    but when i change the height attribute it affects the other pages that have content on them. is there a workaround for this without going to extremes?

    see what i am talking about by visiting this link, and then scrolling down below the 4 logos:

    thanks for any help!

    billyk Friend

    not sure if anyone saw this, or if my problem is not one worth replying to? i’d love any suggestions or ideas! 🙂

    pala999 Friend

    Hi billyk,

    I understand thats only on Frontpage (can`t see white spaces).
    My workaround (Template index.php):


    <?php if (@$_REQUEST[‘view’] == ‘frontpage’) {?>
    <style type=”text/css”>
    html > body #ja-content div.innerpad{height: auto;}
    <?php } ?>


    Greetings from Germany, good luck and sorry for my English 🙂


    billyk Friend

    hi pala999

    thank you so much for replying. your english is good…no problem! 😉 i turned off the frontpage content item that was on when you last looked at it. see it again, please. i pasted the code in between the <head></head> tags and the result returned nothing significant. maybe by looking again you will see?

    thanks again!

    pala999 Friend

    Hello again,

    is there anywhere a Content Item, shorter than 400px in height ?
    I can`t see.

    The Problem is {template_css.css (Line 783)
    [PHP]html > body #ja-content div.innerpad

    The posted Code above is wrong, because you don`t need a workaround on Frontpage. You need it for your Content.
    I Think you can delete it in your template_css.css ( and index.php 🙂 ), because you don`t want any spaces. So, the Footer appears at the end of your Content.

    Good Luck !

    Greetings back, pala999

    P.S.: I must learn English 😮

    billyk Friend

    i simply removed this line:

    min-height: 400px;
    and all seems to be fine. i earlier had reduced it from 400px to 0px and the rest of the other content items showed nothing! so this, i think, is the workaround i needed. thank you pala999!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  billyk 16 years, 1 month ago.

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