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  • viplister Friend

    Is it possible to use the frontpage blog set up, but point to a different section and category for the stories?

    I love the styling of the frontpage blog with the thumbnail image, the date on the left, and intro text on the right… but I want to use this set up on multiple pages for different topics. Is it possible to do this?

    hanifahmed Friend

    You can change the layout of the page, click Change Type and choose Front Page blog layout.

    That should work.

    viplister Friend

    I tried that, and it looks like I want it to… but it only pulls the stories that are marked for the frontpage. So its pulling the same content that is already on my homepage, and I want to pull content from other categories for the other pages.

    How do I do that?

    hanifahmed Friend

    Have you tried using category blog layout? Set the same parameters that you use on your front page, but choose which category you want it to pull from.

    scotty Friend

    This involves template overrides. If you look in your template folder you will see a folder called ‘html’ and in it there will be a folder called com_content. In this folder there will be more folder called article, frontpage, and maybe some other.

    These files override the default joomla layout files. To get your section blog or category blog pages looking like your frontpage you will have to create a folder called category and in it a file called blog.php and maybe blog_item.php and copy the style from the Frontpage default.php file over.

    I’ve never done it so not sure how straight forward it is but as the Frontpage is basically just a blog layout anyway I’d say it’s simple enough.

    Google is your friend! “joomla template override”

    mdtechteam Friend

    How can I resize the thumbnails on the front page? It keeps cutting the heads off my vertical pictures

    Anonymous Moderator

    <blockquote>How can I resize the thumbnails on the front page? It keeps cutting the heads off my vertical pictures</blockquote>

    => Open templatesja_nickelja_templatetools_1.5.php file, find following code section:

    $imagesurl = (file_exists(JPATH_SITE .'/'.$img)) ? JA_Tools::jaResize($img,$width,$height, $crop) : '' ;

    and change to:

    $imagesurl = (file_exists(JPATH_SITE .'/'.$img)) ? JA_Tools::jaResize($img,$width,$height, $crop, 0) : '' ;

    mdtechteam Friend

    <em>@JA Developer 151790 wrote:</em><blockquote>=> Open templatesja_nickelja_templatetools_1.5.php file, find following code section:

    $imagesurl = (file_exists(JPATH_SITE .'/'.$img)) ? JA_Tools::jaResize($img,$width,$height, $crop) : '' ;

    and change to:

    $imagesurl = (file_exists(JPATH_SITE .'/'.$img)) ? JA_Tools::jaResize($img,$width,$height, $crop, 0) : '' ;

    Thanks for the quick response but it is still cutting it a bit short. How can I set it to 75px by 75px

    Here is the live link http://www.viceversaboutique.com

    dawax Friend

    <em>@viplister 143474 wrote:</em><blockquote>Is it possible to use the frontpage blog set up, but point to a different section and category for the stories?

    I love the styling of the frontpage blog with the thumbnail image, the date on the left, and intro text on the right… but I want to use this set up on multiple pages for different topics. Is it possible to do this?</blockquote>

    I found a free plugin that allows exactly what you are looking for called FrontpagePlus.


    It adds an option to your menu that allows you to pint the frontpage layout to any section or category.

    (To be sure this is NOT a compensated referral. I just thought it was relevant.)

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi mdtechteam

    Please submit a ticket, send us your ftp account so that we have a closer look on the issue.

    Additional, please try to do with other way:

    => Open templatesja_nickelja_templatetools_1.5.php file, find following code section:

    function processImage ( &$img, $width, $height, $crop=1) {

    and change to:

    function processImage ( &$img, $width, $height, $crop=0) {

    mdtechteam Friend

    <em>@JA Developer 153003 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi mdtechteam

    Please submit a ticket, send us your ftp account so that we have a closer look on the issue.

    Additional, please try to do with other way:

    => Open templatesja_nickelja_templatetools_1.5.php file, find following code section:

    function processImage ( &$img, $width, $height, $crop=1) {

    and change to:

    function processImage ( &$img, $width, $height, $crop=0) {

    THAT WAS IT!!!!!

    Thanks guys!!!!

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  mdtechteam 15 years, 1 month ago.

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