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  • logsite07 Friend

    Anyone got an idea which code to edit in order to hide the main-body-container (ja-container?) when all content (left, middle and right) is unpublished?

    Because at this moment when everything is unpublished, the container remains visible. (att. screenshot)


    1. screenshot_1
    Menalto Friend

    You dont have a live url?
    And this is ONLY at frontpage you want this?

    logsite07 Friend

    Hi Menalto,

    I don’t have a live url at this moment since I’m running the test-site on a local (offline) server.

    Regarding the hiding of the main-body-container: well I probably will use it for different pages. So, it’s not specifically for the frontpage only. (Otherwise I would just delete the body containers and assign it as a different template to “Home”).

    Thanks in advance for providing feedback to my post.

    Peace 🙂

    Sherlock Friend

    If you want to hide the main-body-container when when all content (left, middle and right) is unpublish, you must edit index.php(templates/ja_edenite/index.php).

    logsite07 Friend

    Thanks for the advice, but I allready know that 😀

    My problem is that when I unpublish left/middle/right the container stays visible (container with silver gradient background). Allthough I’m not a complete stranger to the template’s css code I haven’t been able to fix this “bug”.

    And I have to launch the website tomorrow….:((

    1. screenshot2
    Menalto Friend

    This can easy be fixed for the frontpage, but since you said you might use it for other pages also you might run into problems, since you need a content item to link a page/menu up to.

    logsite07 Friend

    I know, but that won’t be a problem because in those situations I’ll be publishing content in other module positions.

    The only thing I’d like to know is how to get rid of that container with silver gradient background when there is nothing published inside of it. In other words: what code do I have to add to the index.php or ja_vars_1.5.php or any other relevant file?


    logsite07 Friend

    I’m grateful for every feedback I can get on this subject 🙂



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This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  logsite07 16 years, 8 months ago.

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