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  • michalc Friend

    I place images using the jce editor & my frontpage layouts look nuts, but the original layouts on the initial page are fine. Below, is the link to the home page where you can see the image overlapping the text. Can anyone help?


    uniquebiz Friend

    As you say it’s screwed up royally. I use JCE and don’t have any probs with it. I probably need to see the parameters you are using for the image, such as alignment, padding clearfix details etc from the image settings popup that JCE uses before trying to go further

    I include a screenshot of my popup panel for reference

    1. JCE-image-details
    michalc Friend

    The image shows properly on the initial page, but when it’s on the frontpage is when it’s not behaving properly. Seeing that the frontpage of this template has slightly different css than the rest of the site just makes me think it’s the template & not the editor that has normal parameters set.

    michalc Friend

    here is a screenshot

    1. Screen-shot-2010-06-24-at-10.00.06-PM
    uniquebiz Friend

    yeah cant read the parameters on the screenie ja resizes em small ; as you say the css is different for the front layout cause that’s a blog layout. I’d look at the layout.css for clues maybe?
    Can’t really help more as my norite install doesn’t have these problems even with image in same position etc?

    michalc Friend

    I have looked all throughout the css and found nothing, so maybe I have an old version of norite. I will check my version.

    uniquebiz Friend

    I’d suggest downloading the latest qs/template or using the extension mager to compare and update?
    Maybe that will solve the issue
    Best of Luck Shannon

    michalc Friend

    Well, it’s not the editor & definitley the css because when I switch to another template everything looks fine. I also checked & saw that I have the right template version, so it’s something in the frontpage code of the template that makes it overlap like that.

    uniquebiz Friend

    well unless you have modified the code for the blog layout I’d be using the same template.css as you ar and mine works fine?

    Can I ask have you cut & pasted your text for that article from Word? That’s known to kill alignments, Other than that if you have NOT done any mods to any css. files I’d replace the template.css with a fresh copy in case there is so,e corruption?
    Best I can do Sorry

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