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  • sanumala Friend


    How Can change this template to show full width

    Right now If I select fullwidth in template manager site is showing center of the browser, left and right sides are emply like this site. But I want my site to be displayed full width which will occupy entire browser like joomla default templates do. 🙂

    mj1256 Friend

    the answer is here

    but it created more problems that it was worth when i did it, remember, graphics do not stretch and the slideshow looked funny when It was full width

    scotty Friend

    Mesolite is 952px wide. 47% (almost half) of internet users have 1024 x 768 screen resolution and about another 10% are smaller. (September ’08 figures). So, for most of your visitors they will have only a 36px gap each side.

    mj1256 is completely right… it is just not worth the trouble.

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