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  • pixelgal Friend

    I posted this question in a thread and I am thinking I should have made a new thread. Here’s the question:

    I have Adobe Flash software. My concern is that there might be a limit on how many photos I can put in that particular module [JA Labra]. Is there a limit? What’s the limit?

    And either way, my knowledge of flash is quite basic. Will I be able to just drop images in or am I going to have to know scripting and all of that (particularly if I want to add more “slides”)?


    mj1256 Friend

    you do not need to know or own any software, you just upload your images to a folder and set backend parameters.

    pixelgal Friend

    Is it pretty obvious, once I look at the back end of joomla, how I will tie the images to the related story?

    So it seems like there isn’t really a limit, necessarily, to what can go into the slide show?

    I really like that template but I have to make sure I will understand it… My business partner is in serious hurry for a web new web site!!


    mj1256 Friend

    a more important question, are you experieneced with joomla, if not, no matter what template you use, you will have a learning curve.

    install the quickstart on a test site or subdomain and start playing with it, its the best way to see what it does

    pixelgal Friend

    Yes, I have joomla installed on a site, now, and have been playing with it some, trying to figure out how to modify things. And indeed there is quite a learning curve. I really want a site that has the “right look” out of the box and JA Labra seems to make my parnter happy. I don’t want to make major changes to a template, right now.

    I have worked with WordPress, so Joomla has some familiarity as a CMS. The hard part is to make sure, before I buy a template, that there aren’t certain limits. I notice that some slide shows on other sites, for example, have a limit of say, 10 slides… which is not acceptable. That’s why my question was so detailed. 🙂

    mj1256 Friend

    I’ve never experienced a limit

    but my question was, did you use the templates quickstart package

    pixelgal Friend

    No, I just installed Joomla and started fiddling… Do you mean this?

    Addendum: I found a Quick Start PDF on the Joomla site. Looking at that. It’s filling in some of the blank spots.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pixelgal 16 years, 4 months ago.

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