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  • fbernardello Friend

    Dear Support,
    I generated a Gallery section, using JACM module.
    Pages are ok, but the arrows to switch between the pictures are not shown.
    If I select a different picture from the thumb, I can see the arrows for a second, then they disappear.

    Additionali, If I go to the slideshow, I have two (working) buttons: “previous” and “next”. Where do I need to go to set a translation? I can’t find them as Joomla variables. They are probably written into the code.

    Thanks in advance.


    timtecsa Friend

    Maybe look here to translate gallery buttons: Editing file “/html/layouts/blueimp/gallery.php” in template “ja_teline_v”.
    Lines 20 and 23.

    I have no idea why the usual arrows are not displaying, but clicking on left or right side of pictures in galleries usually enables navigation. Maybe not intuitive but works. Arrows better. Is your site visible online?

    fbernardello Friend

    Dear @timtecsa,
    thank you for your reply: I founded the line, and I translated the labels of the buttons.

    About arrows, I customized my galley page with the same header of the Magazine, so I have Main Menu, whatsnew and header-1 modules.
    I discovered that header-1 module is giving a conflict with the gallery script, and I disabled it. Now everything works.


    fbernardello Friend

    P.S. The website is online, but the DNS is not yet published. Hope it will be public in a few days!

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fbernardello 9 years, 1 month ago.

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