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  • Richard A Friend

    It is only possible to have an image popup with larger size in Style 1 of ACM Gallery module, where no title, link or details of the image are allowed.

    How do I get an image popup for Gallery style 2 and 3, including any title, link or detail?

    I would like to use the 1×1 thumbnail images with a title, link and/or detail but also have a pop up showing a larger version of the images that a visitor/member can scroll through (as in style 1).

    Are there only 3 Gallery styles (this is all I have, I am using the default Uber version with no sample data).

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @dealthenuts,

    1. To apply popup lightbox to style 2, please open file templatesuberacmgallerytmplstyle-2.php and look for this code :

    <?php if($itemLink):?><a href="<?php echo $itemLink; ?>" title="<?php echo $itemTitle; ?>"><?php endif ; ?>

    change as below :

    <?php if($itemLink):?><a href="<?php echo $helper->get ('gallery.img', $i) ?>" data-toggle="lightbox" title="<?php echo $itemTitle; ?>"><?php endif ; ?>

    2. To apply popup lightbox to style 3, please open file templatesuberacmgallerytmplstyle-3.php and look for this code :

    <a class="item-mask" href="<?php echo $itemLink; ?>"></a>

    then update as below :

    <a class="item-mask" data-toggle="lightbox" href="<?php echo $helper->get ('gallery.img', $i) ?>"></a>

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Adam M 9 years, 6 months ago.

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