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  • timpennington Friend


    I am trying to set up an RSS feed for featured articles; the home page in Teline V wasn’t being very friendly, so I created a new page (in the Articles Menu) that is supposed to show the “Featured Articles”:


    I set the categories I wanted, but it is only feeding “Uncategorized” articles to the page, which is not what I want.

    Is there something I am doing wrong in setting this up?

    By the way, the RSS feed from it is working fine; I just want the categories I want, and not just “Uncategorized”



    pavit Moderator


    <blockquote>I set the categories I wanted, but it is only feeding “Uncategorized” articles to the page, which is not what I want.</blockquote>

    From what i can see that page is showing all categories , starting from uncategorized

    pavit Moderator


    <blockquote>I set the categories I wanted, but it is only feeding “Uncategorized” articles to the page, which is not what I want.</blockquote>

    From what i can see that page is showing all categories , starting from uncategorized

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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