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  • ohlook Friend

    My new site:

    I get this error on the ront page: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home1/calvarz5/public_html/templates/jaolyra/ja_menus/Base.class.php on line 143

    I am running Joomla 1.5.4 which was installed before I uploaded the template so I am not using your quickstart installation.

    I do not have any modules installed. Please let me know how I can fix this.

    thank you!

    ohlook Friend

    I uninstalled 1.5.4 and reinstalled 1.5.3 and it works better now. I am not getting the error. Can you let me know how to get it to work within 1.5.4 so I can have the latest version or will you be updating the templates for the new version anytime soon?


    ohlook Friend

    never mind. the error showed back up. All I did this time was delete the articles and categories.

    So! Now I am back to the original question. How can I get the error off of this page:

    I am now going to uninstall 1.5.3 and put back 1.5.4 since they give the same error.


    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    The error is not in your version of Joomla…it’s actually in your template…and specifically your JA menu modules. Make sure all are “published”.

    If so…then look at this thread and see if you might find an answer here:

    Good luck!

    ohlook Friend


    Thank you but unless I’m totally not understanding something I should, that thread you sent me to seems to be too old (two years) to apply to my situation or refers to an older version of Joomla or this template. I don’t have a JA Trans Menu V20 in my modules listings. I am under the impression that all the menu adjustments happen in the Template Manager.

    Maybe I didn’t understand the instructions and didn’t look in the right place? I appreciate your help.


    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    I understand you don’t have “TransMenu”…but was hoping the thread might give you an indication of where to look.

    I don’t have that template installed, so I can’t replicate exactly what’s happening…but it’s definately something in a Menu Module. It was my hope that you could basically follow the steps to correct your situation by substituting the menu module you are using in place of the “TransMenu” mentions in that thread.

    Perhaps it won’t work, but I was just trying to give you a place to look…and making sure all of the menus you were trying to use were “Published”. The issue, though, definately is within the template…and most likely a conflict in a menu module…and NOT an issue with the version of Joomla. (1.5.3 vs 1.5.4)

    Maybe someone who has that template installed can help further.

    One thing you can try…is Publishing and Unpublishing various modules until you find the one that is causing that error.
    The downside is that sometimes, albeit rarely, it can actually be a result of a combination of modules.

    Good luck!

    ohlook Friend

    Oh! Ok, I thought maybe I just didn’t understand. 🙂 I’m a Joomla newbie. I looked and looked at the modules and menus and I just can’t figure out what it might be. I sure do appreciate your help! I hope I can get this figured out soon. I’ll keep meddling and maybe someone who uses this template will come across this and know exactly what the problem is and can chime in. People will be wanting to look at this website in the next couple of days so I’ll keep adding content to it. I hope I don’t have to change my template. I really like this one. 🙂


    ohlook Friend

    🙁 Well, I have researched and tried all I know how to do (which isn’t a whole lot) I can’t show this site to the school tonight at our meeting if there’s a big ugly error at the top of the page. I would really appreciate this company taking a look at this and telling me how to fix it.

    ohlook Friend

    Update: I enabled the Legacy plugin. No more error. Just for anyone’s information that runs into this. This template is supposed to be compatible with Joomla 1.5 so I didn’t even think that I would have had to do that. I just happened to enable it for another template I was trying in a desperate action to get a website that didn’t have an error at the top.

    So! When in doubt, enable the Legacy plugin? 😉

    kashxo Friend

    Hello ohlook,
    It shouldn’t be like that (enable Legacy). It should running natively in Joomla! 1.5.4.
    The process of template upgrading to joomla 1.5.4 are running now.
    I will let you know when a new version of JA Olyra available.
    Thank you.

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