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  • mumu0678 Friend

    I’ve just installed JA-SANIDINE these past two days and feel pretty happy about it.

    I think that when things go well it needs to be said as well 🙂 .

    Just had to replace Fireboard with Kunena and found out that CB had to be upgraded to be compatible with, but that about all. Then I added Joomgallery module and that worked like a charm.

    Thats’s a pretty good template to work with. Congratulations, You did a great job Joomlart guys.

    Makis77 Friend

    I have tryed very hard to install Kunena to both templates. I even uninstalled CB & FB, but still I have white screen! Any ideas on what I do wrong?

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Dear Makis77,

    You install kunena on Joomla, not on the template. installation of component is from the joomla backend, how can the template be responsible for a component installation?

    This is template support forum, It would be difficult to support you for 3rd party extension installation. However, Please forward me your FTP and Joomla Admin Access and i shall try to help you out.


    Makis77 Friend

    Thank you!

    Makis77 Friend

    Here are the complete instructions!
    1. I upgraded the CB to the latest version 1.2.2
    2. I migrated FB to Kunena
    3. Because Community Builder Profile integration only works if Community Builder is in W3C XHTML 1.0 Trans. compliance mode, I did the following. I went to Components / Community Builder / Configuration / User Profile. I found this legacy setting from there. I Set it to “yes”
    Saying “No” breaks all JavaScript in Kunena.

    How to upgrade CB to the latest version 1.2.2:
    1) Install new CB component from your CB 1.2.2 distribution package.
    There is no need to previously unistall component – code will upgrade
    2) Install new CB Login module from your CB 1.2.2 distribution package.
    3) Install new CB Workflow module from your CB 1.2.2 distibution package.
    4) Install new CB Online module from your CB 1.2.2 distribution package.
    5) Run CB Tool checks on CB database.

    How to Migrate from FB to Kunena:
    1. Using the Joomla installer, uninstall FireBoard. Your data will remain intact (trying this with FB <1.0.3 will cause lost of all attachments and avatars!).
    2. Using the Joomla installer, install Kunena, by entering the URL into the URL field in the installer (recommended), or optionally, uploading the component package file
    3. Using the Joomla administrator, find your Menu item(s) for FireBoard, and use “Change Type” to change them to Kunena

    I hope that it will help.

    Maybe it’s a good idea to put it to the installation instructions.

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Makis77 14 years, 10 months ago.

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