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  • nyabynghi Friend

    First of all let me say, I’ve fiddled with a few job applications for Joomla but Job Board is the best out of an admittedly dodgy bunch. However, for the amount of money i paid for it (and i am someone who has no problem paying for software, in fact i like paying) – it has been a very frustrating process to get it working.

    I don’t know if it’s something wrong with my particular installation but now all jobs are redirecting back to my homepage for no clear reason. It also doesn’t work with SH404, a very popular SEF URL program which I use. you should probably let people know before they make their purchase.

    Some of the features seem like they could be easily implemented (such as expiry date) so I wonder why it wasn’t designed as such. The process of adding existing users to the system also seems quite confusing.

    The location issue I had is also very frustrating. I want a localised jobboard but seems this is a painful process.

    Anyway, i hope this is not seen as a rant, but I’ve been genuinely frustrated in not being able to have such a fine program working for me. I think it definitely is a great starting point but there are a few flaws which should be ironed out in order for it to fully justify it’s price.

    At the moment i think the program flatters to deceive a bit but is neverthless a good app. Keep up the good work, there is a lot to do yet.

    John Wesley Brett Moderator


    Thank you very much for taking the time to outline the issues you’ve encountered with JA JobBoard. We will take your list, parse them among those in the know and work to resolve errors where found and be more descriptive in our explanations of its use.

    We value all such feedback.

    Thank you!

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  John Wesley Brett 14 years, 7 months ago.

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