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  • sekijr Friend

    I also have a problem with diacritical letters in my language. Once I imported Google Font Roboto all special characters are… smaller.

    I followed JoomlArt’s video tutorial (pretty much the same like you provided) and added extra file to /etc/assets.xml and changed default sans-serif font in variables.less. The thing is there is extra variable in the full GFont address and it looks like this:

    https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,500,700 &subset=latin-ext

    The last part causes error when added to assets.xml. I tried replacing the "&" with semicolon and question mark – it still loads Roboto font but special Latin characters are smaller (see attachment and letter Ś in word AKTUALNOŚCI which means news). Any ideas?

    1. Selection_002-1
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Can u share the site details via Private reply.
    I will take a closer look on it.

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