I have successfully installed the Googlemap Plugin and the Phoca Maps component, but I just cannot get them to work. I can’t find a simple guide for help with either.
I tried creating an HTML module and inserting text in it – the following for example:
{mosmap width=’500’|height=’400’|lat=’52.052312’|lon=’4.447141’| zoom=’3’|zoomType=’Large’|zoomNew=’0’|mapType=’Satellite’|showMaptype=’1’| overview=’0’|text=’sv DWO’|tooltip=’DWO’|marker=’1’| align=’center’}
but nothing comes up. If you go to my website – http://www.prizedplaces.com – (username/password: prizedplaces/roberto) – you will see that the text appears there.
Is there a good guide for using both? Or, is there a better module out there? I just want a module on the right with a google map.
thanks, rob