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  • downsouth Friend

    It’s amazing how much you lack support on this forum and via e-mail. I’ve tried both routes with no success. You’d think a website that has made over $50,000 in the last 30 days from selling templates would be able to offer decent support.

    You got some real good templates, its just too bad the support isnt up to par.

    Khanh Le Moderator

    Hi Brian ,
    I don’t understand why you say that we lack support while we answer all your questions, through forum or email.

    I also suggest that all of you should post your technical questions on forums, not send email directly to JoomlArt. Our support team will take care the forums and answer your questions.

    ShannonN Friend

    downsouth;7613It’s amazing how much you lack support on this forum and via e-mail. I’ve tried both routes with no success. You’d think a website that has made over $50,000 in the last 30 days from selling templates would be able to offer decent support.

    You got some real good templates, its just too bad the support isnt up to par.

    It would be interesting to look at these guys organisational chart, they may not have one, they do have an office, but I suspect only a small few work physically at the premises, the template makers probably work from home or overseas etc maybe.

    <start rant> They may do what many universities and “teaching colleges” do, they assign 3rd yr students in web design, assignments to make a killer Joomla template.

    Then Joomlart gets these winning assignments free and gets their two paid experts to tidy the design up then sell for massive profit, the art world has been doing this for centuries? 🙂

    But on a serious note ; they are stretched beyond their capabilities and can’t or won’t employ more staff to handle the overload, plus I suspect as english isn’t the native language ( I think they are based in Vietnam), there may be some difficulty with interpretation of problems we describe to them on the forum.

    They are a business and the main concern seems to be profits, service is a must do only if you keep posting or complain loud enough.

    To be fair a lot of my problem HAS been a lack of basics re : Joomla and I readily admit my deficiency, but another template design company I use for static stuff has an awesome rep and forum.

    The devs all work for one company and they all are available via online forum and email,usually with hours of posting one of three main coderswill reply.

    The devs have even at no extra cost, personally modified javascript code in extensions and apps to suit the customers special needs after purchase, I cannot see this company offereing anything for free of any real use, It’s not their way

    Unless the level of service improves dramatically, all but the die hard members will move on, sure the templates are nice (not great) but the rush to get cashflow by releasing them before they’re ready has serious dented Joomlart’s good reputation.

    The absence of even the most basic reply to forum posts is poor, the forum needs to have a paid moderator that will delete move etc posts and all we need is acknowledgment really.

    I’d wait 2 days, if on day 1, a mod said Shannon hear what your saying, I have “xyz” working on that prob wil get back to you. and followed up the next day, That’s not a lot to do really?

    But to have no reply at all is arrogant and says to me, “I got your money, I don’t have to be nice to you anymore”, “go away until next time when subscription is due I’ll be nice to you then”

    There also is no follow up emails or news other template makkers at least send product launch emails newsletters etc , while I prolly bin a lot of it or block is as junk it is read occasionally

    < /end rant>

    downsouth Friend

    <blockquote>I also suggest that all of you should post your technical questions on forums, not send email directly to JoomlArt. Our support team will take care the forums and answer your questions.</blockquote>

    That’s exactly what I did. I posted on the forum. Got a response from somebody on 1 of my 6 issues, (It actually didnt address my problem at all) So after days and days of checking back waiting for an official response or any other responses and realizing that I wasnt going to get any. I figured maybe I was supposed to e-mail you for support, I guess you dont like being e-mailed with support questions. Post them on the board and maybe somebody will help you. Good practice.

    SHoggard Friend

    I read the above… frankly complaining for complaining sake…

    Shannon I don’t know where the ‘rant’ about students doing free work came from – I see rather too many assumptions in your post to make it of any practical use .

    Yes, there are problems – but Mr Gates built quite a sucessful company selling problematic software! – and don’t tell us he’s not in it for the money!

    JA is obviously quite a new company and are going through the problems associated with growth.

    I think a more productive approach would be post suggestions as to how Hung & team could improve service.

    A couple of months ago I had a problem, Hung responded in the forum, then took it further, went into my site admin, fixed the problem…. maybe I was lucky.

    Yes, English is a problem, sometimes the answers in the forum are open to interpretation (but also remember that for many customers English is not their 1st language either – sometimes even the questions take a bit of imagination to understand the point being made – sometimes, not always).

    That said,
    1. I DO think better doccumentation is needed.
    2. I DO think that since many of the templates are compatible with modules like Header or Colapse JA could consider a Module or plug-in folder (so we don’t have to hunt for them in Regullus, Avior or wherever they were 1st used)
    3. I DO think JA should standardise their module positioning (http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/numbering-in-overview-page/)
    4. I DO think that we need more info on how to change the colour scheme… those given are often not sutable ) Like what do all the little 1px gifs & jpgs refer to & what do files with names like: bg_head.gif (example only) actually DO… and if we change them in Photoshop what impact will it have.
    4, I do think that a more detailed central FAQ or Wiki would save a lot of messing about… eg: if you want to remove the “Joomla is free software” in the footer you’d have to find my post & the answer JA Regulus and Regulus Extra ….(10-26-2006, 01:14 AM)….
    All of the 6 questions posted by Downsouth in “A couple of Quick Questions” were actually answered somewhere in the forum … I do appreciate his frustration.

    If these (and I’m sure many other people have positive suggestions) were implemented :-
    1, the user experience would be better
    2. Hung & team would spend less time answering the same old questions here in the forum
    3. This would leave more time to ‘support’ critical issues like site crashes and “Unicode probrlem remains in Janews” , bugfixes and the really techie stuff.

    instantinlaw Friend

    I’m pretty good at figuring things out myself having worked with Joomla & osCommerce if I have some documentation to work with. I do like the user guides that come with the templates, but they are far from complete. If you are reading this Joomlart I hope you are taking these suggestions to heart.

    Having said all of this, I will also say that support has been very good in my opinion. Moderators have answered my questions to my satisfaction & within a couple of days or even hours.

    ErikThorsen Friend

    My personal experience is that usually, critical and TEMPLATE related issues ( as well as Joomlart created modules and add ons ) are answered relatively quickly and to satisfaction.

    When it comes to why doesn’t my module show on right side, how can I publish the module, how can I change the header image and so on, I do understand that these questions are no of high priority. People who have seen me reply positively around here should also know that when I say that the community also could help out, I am referring to these issues, easy stuff for those who have touched Joomla before. Yes, we have paid subscriptions here and do not have to do anything but I can remember when I first started and I was really happy whenever anyone helped me out and I try my best to help out when possible. I think this is what makes this place the best ( or could/would )

    I do agree with SHoggard on most of his views.

    gregory3 Friend

    <blockquote>My personal experience is that usually, critical and TEMPLATE related issues ( as well as Joomlart created modules and add ons ) are answered relatively quickly and to satisfaction.</blockquote>

    You said it! If it’s something they made a mistake on or is broken they seem to be pretty good a answering within a day or two however don’t expect anything above and beyond from this crew. You get the template you paid for and you get it working as advertised but don’t expect a whole lot of help otherwise. They completely ignore things that I know very well would take them about 30 seconds to answer and make someones day. So much wasted talent.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  gregory3 17 years, 11 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum