<em>@omarram 54587 wrote:</em><blockquote>I was trying to do a search on Sunday that involved using about three words (e.g Computer Science Department) but I was stopped at about Dep in the search box…any particular reason why I limit has been placed here?
I haven’t looked into fixing it, it should be pretty simple but just I’d ask to see if anybody else has noticed it too,</blockquote>
It’s a parameter in the plugin/mambot . You can limit the number of Search items to return. The default is 50.
OOPS I misread you post – you mean the search input box. Sorry.
change $width in the mod_search.php in /modules/mod_search:
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// Include the syndicate functions only once
require_once( dirname(__FILE__).DS.'helper.php' );
$button = $params->get('button', '');
$imagebutton = $params->get('imagebutton', '');
$button_pos = $params->get('button_pos', 'left');
$button_text = $params->get('button_text', JText::_('Search'));
$width = intval($params->get('width', 20));
$text = $params->get('text', JText::_('search...'));
$set_Itemid = intval($params->get('set_itemid', 0));
$moduleclass_sfx = $params->get('moduleclass_sfx', '');
if ($imagebutton) {
$img = modSearchHelper::getSearchImage( $button_text );
And then in the plugin directory look at each file i.e. content.php and search.php etc. for the following code:
$limit = $pluginParams->def( 'search_limit', 50 );