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  • paoloci Friend

    I am asking if is possible to have different blog view with different voice menu.
    For example
    menu Home with default only “image view”
    menu news with default “full view”.
    I am trying to duplicate the template and select different voice of menu for template.. but seems not running well.
    Could be a problem of cache of Ja wall or other?

    MoonSailor Friend


    Sorry, I don’t really get what you mean here. Could you please be more specific so that I can offer the proper help?

    paoloci Friend

    Hi moonSailor
    thanks for answer.

    For example:

    I set Ja Wall, in manage template, with property “full View”.
    So If I set the home of my site for the categry food (and all subcategory) with blog I can see some articles (about food and fruit) with Image or not and read more, like in the demo on joomlart.

    If I need to create another voice menu to see another wall blog, for example with the category news, I must see automatically the news with the property “full view”..
    all the voice that I create in modality blog must visible in the mode “full view”.

    What I need is to create some independent voice for different blog view automatically.
    For example I go in home and I have the modality “full view”
    go to news and have automatically the modality “image view”.

    I have tried to obtain this different modality for voice menu with a copy of the template ..
    so in
    ja wall 1 I set “full view” (home, ecc)
    and in
    Ja wall 2 I set “image view” only for the voice menu named news.

    But this trick not run.

    If I not explain sufficiently I can post an example..

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi paoloci,

    As I understand that you are trying to create another menu item like home menu item but with different block view, right? If so, you can go to: Menus > Top menu > create a new one named Sample with this settings: http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/640/2085343653.png

    In attached image, I config this new menu item like home menu item for the Default Block View parameter = Image View instead of Full View as Home one.

    and here is what it looks like in front page: http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/640/9151910140.png

    Hope this helps.

    paoloci Friend

    it’s exact that i need.
    Thanks a lot

    napatjo Friend

    I need an override of the JA Wall Category Blog view, so I can use the “common” joomla blog view. How can I do that ?

    I found this: http://kiteplans.info/2012/04/18/how-to-joomla-1-7-2-5-full-text-in-category-blog-layout-template-override/

    gonna try.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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