<blockquote>If you want to create new header banner for your site, you have to create 3 images like images in templates/ja_rochea/images/headers/ folder.
Name of images are: sh<number>-bg1.jpg, sh<number>-bg2-wide.jpg, sh<number>-bg2-narrow.jpg
For example: sh04-bg1.jpg, sh04-bg2-wide.jpg, sh04-bg2-narrow.jpg
After that, open your index.php file to add name of your header banner in line 25: </blockquote>
On my index.php line 25
<blockquote><meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″ /></blockquote>
only on line 125 is there a reference to the image and even that doesn’t seem right. I cant find the ‘array’ reference anywhere on the page.
<blockquote><div id=”ja-subhead” style=”background: url(<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl().”/images/headers/$ja_headerimg-bg1.jpg”;?>) </blockquote>
can someone please tell me where i can add the ‘array’ reference for these new header images?
Also, i dont have a clue how to link menus with different headers. Where are the instructions? Certainly not in the user guide i downloaded.