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  • inamike Friend

    I have added menu Nr. 2 under main menu to be able to have more links on left side without having more than 4 links on top.
    When I click on any link from this menu, header image stays the same. I need them to rotate.

    What is the solution?

    inamike Friend

    The header images for the whole site does not always rotate but tend to get stuck.

    I have read several people posting this issue, but no answer / solution.


    Khanh Le Moderator

    The header images are rotated according to the main menu level currently.

    What kind of the rotation do you want?

    inamike Friend

    Just any rotation… if user starts clicking on menu nr. 2 there is the same image that stays on in the header, regadless hwere user moves within the menu nr.2.

    If user clicks on main menu, header images rotate.

    Is there a way to add more links on the main menu, but only 4 of them be dispayed in top (since all the main menu links display on top as well and owerflow)?
    Hope that makes sense….

    Khanh Le Moderator

    Ok, you could modify a function inside file ja_templatetools.php to get that effect. Search function getCurrentMenuIndex and replace with following function

    function getCurrentMenuIndex(){
    global $Itemid, $database, $mosConfig_shownoauth, $my;
    //Get top menu id;
    $id = $Itemid;
    $menutype = 'mainmenu';
    $ordering = '0';

    $sql = "select parent, menutype, ordering from #__menu where id = $id limit 1";
    $row = null;
    if ($row) {
    $menutype = $row->menutype;
    if ($menutype != 'mainmenu') return 0;
    $ordering = $row->ordering;
    }else return 0;

    if ($mosConfig_shownoauth) {
    $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM #__menu AS m"
    . "nWHERE menutype='". $menutype ."' AND published='1' and ordering <= $ordering";
    } else {
    $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM #__menu AS m"
    . "nWHERE menutype='". $menutype ."' AND published='1' AND access <= '$my->gid' and ordering <= $ordering";

    return $database->loadResult();

    inamike Friend

    Khanh Le, thank you for a quick answer.

    I replaced the function with the code. Images are still not rotating in the menu nr.2. Am I missing something?

    Khanh Le Moderator

    Do you have a live site url?

    schulschmidt Friend

    Hallo professionals, do you solf this problem ?
    I am also interested …

    inamike Friend

    <em>@Khanh Le 30807 wrote:</em><blockquote>Do you have a live site url?</blockquote>

    I sent you link in PM.

    stefiart Friend

    Yes do we have a sollution here?


    orsat Friend

    same problem here…hope someone solves this soon

    coldclimber JA JobBoard

    I also have a problem with the header images not rotating, at first they did through the pages but once i moved the menu about and reordered my pages to the way i want them everything just stopped working. I know with other templates not from JA you can just redorder your menu and everything would still work, this is very anoying as i need this to work. I have tried to duplicate the template and call it JAM2 but even assigning another template to a page does not work.

    Anyone one know how to fix the header images ?????

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