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  • laurani Friend


    The headlines news ticker is showing below the text ‘headlines’. See attachment.

    I’m using Joomla 1.6.

    Thanks in advance,

    topbar.php code:

    <p class="ja-day clearfix">

    $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
    $date = JFactory::getDate();
    echo $date->toFormat('<span class="day">%a</span><span class="date">%d</span><span class="month">%m</span><span class="year">%Y</span></span>');
    <p class="ja-updatetime"><span><?php echo JText::_('Laatste update')?></span><em><?php echo T3Common::getLastUpdate(); ?></em></p>

    <?php if($this->countModules('headlines')) : ?>
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="headlines" />
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if($this->countModules('search')) : ?>
    <div id="ja-search">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="search" />
    <?php endif; ?>

    1. headlines-issue
    laurani Friend

    Problem still exists on a clean joomla and template install.

    splico123 Friend

    Hey mate, best way to get to source of problem is to use firebug in firefox mate and just find out the css setting that is causing that and you can fix it by backtracking that there.. will solve your problem in record time mate. you have same code as mine but mine works fine so cant trace it for ya.

    maybe if you provide the link to frontpage i could help you a bit more

    laurani Friend

    The link is http://luuluu.nl/live/
    I will try it with firebug, thanks!

    Hayden A Friend

    Dear laurani,
    please provide me your site url and admin login details via PM, i shall have a look and try to help you.

    guap Friend

    <em>@anhhv 219888 wrote:</em><blockquote>Dear laurani,
    please provide me your site url and admin login details via PM, i shall have a look and try to help you.</blockquote>

    I could not seem to find the CSS to fix the headlines.
    Here is the URL link

    Saguaros Moderator

    <em>@guap 228460 wrote:</em><blockquote>I could not seem to find the CSS to fix the headlines.
    Here is the URL link</blockquote>

    You add the following code into the template.css file:

    .ja-headlines {
    width: 300px !important;


    pontikoua Friend

    I have same issue with Teline III and Joomla 1.5, news ticker show news titles in the next line, under the Headlines label…
    However this is not with all browsers.
    Most of Safari in Macs work fine, however I found some versions that have problem, also I have tested Opera & Chrome in mac works fine, internet explorer 8 windows work fine.
    The problem occurs with Firefox mac & windows, and some Safari versions…
    any idea ?

    1. Screen-shot-2011-03-18-at-9.05.08-..
    Saguaros Moderator

    oh, you try with this , you add these codes into the template.css file then let me check

    .ja-healineswrap {


    pontikoua Friend

    I am late to my responses bacause I am not recieving email about new posts in the forums…
    I will check with your advice and come back here to report..

    guap Friend

    Thanks, it fixed. 🙂

    pontikoua Friend

    Fixed now. It was a combination of falty code within both .ja-healineswrap and .ja-headlines, wrong height, and there were also padding that created the problem. Now looks georgeous again in FF too…, thanx!

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