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  • francis Friend


    We are testing our Joomla installation. Everything works fiine, except when we installed JA Regulus EX. Now it looks fine in Firefox, but crashes IE, and forces a quit. Please take a look at our site and let me know if there is something we can do to fix this.

    Thank you

    Hieu Nguyen Admin

    Hi, please remove some menu items of your main menu, I guess the problem’ll be solved.

    PS: Thread moved to JA Regulus room!

    ha le-viet Developer

    Hi francis,

    I’ve test your website with several PCs. With my PC (Windows XP SP2 automatic updated), in IE, your website produced no crash. But with other PCs, it crashed. I guess it’s a bug in IE and was updated by Microsoft.

    So I think here’s a solution for you: Try to unpublish every components you have installed, step by step, and then reload your page. When your page’s load normally (like the demo), you will know what module/component caused the crash.

    Ha Le-Viet.

    francis Friend

    Thanks for the advice. I tried this on several machines, including 3 PC’s with IE. One with XP SP2, 2 with SP1. All crashed. I’ll try unpublishing everything as you said.

    Thank you

    francis Friend

    Ok, I reduced the number of Main Menu Items Running across the Top navigation and it is working great now. Thank you for your help.

    francis Friend

    Ok, so the problem came back after the first session ended. The problem seems to definitely be something with The Regulus Extra template. Please take a look at the web site right now, running the normal Regulus template. There are no problems whatsoever. As soon as I switch on Regulus Extra, it crashes IE on all of our machines.

    I’ve tried reinstalling Extra, but it does the same thing. Any ideas?

    redlight_traitor Friend

    have you found out the solution to this? my ja_regulus_ex is crashing as well!

    francis Friend

    Nope, had to reinstall Joomla!, added template first and it worked ok. Seems shaky.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  francis 18 years, 2 months ago.

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