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  • omojesu Friend

    Everytime someone log in using their username and password to our site, the page goes blank. They have to refresh several times before the homepage is loaded. Additionally, you cannot log out once you log in…same issue. When you click the logout button, the page goes blank, and after you refresh the browser, the page is reloaded but you are still logged in. I cannot as a super admin also force user logout from backend admin…the logged in user remains logged in.

    I am using Joomla 2.5.7 and Ja login module.

    Please help as it is getting very frustrating for our users.

    many thanks

    omojesu Friend

    I am still waiting for assistance from Support please…

    Many thanks

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi omojesu,

    The problem is occurred recently right, I guess it’s related to one of your third party extension, let me know if you have install an extension recently and after that the mentioned problem occurred !

    omojesu Friend

    Thanks Sherlock. The problem occurred only after I update Joomla from 2.5.4 to 2.5.7. I also installed RSFirewall and OseSecurity because of extensive hacking attack to my site. However, I only started noticing the issue after the Joomla update and before the installation of the security extensions.

    <em>@Sherlock Holmes 339964 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi omojesu,

    The problem is occurred recently right, I guess it’s related to one of your third party extension, let me know if you have install an extension recently and after that the mentioned problem occurred !</blockquote>

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi omojesu,

    Okay, let me know if and how I can disable those extensions for checking ?

    omojesu Friend

    I disabled the extensions already and had the same issue.

    I just discovered an error related to the problem…When I go to the Manage Extension screen in my Joomla backed, and click on Discover Extensions…I am presented with this error…

    Failed loading XML file
    XML: failed to load external entity "/home/content/4r6/yyyyyy/html/modules/_mod_jalogin_/_mod_jalogin_.xml"

    <em>@Sherlock Holmes 340095 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi omojesu,

    Okay, let me know if and how I can disable those extensions for checking ?</blockquote>

    omojesu Friend

    Any update on this? I am grateful for your assistance. Thanks

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi omojesu,

    problems seem to related to those plugins of CiviCRM User Management and User – JFusion once i disabled those and enabled the User – Joomla! plugin things was going well, I am not much sure what those plugins for, can you contact those plugin authors for taking a look ?

    omojesu Friend

    Sherlock – I disabled User- JFusion plugin and now when I log out of Joomla Admin, It takes me a to a page that has just the text “test1” written on it. When I refreshed the browser, I get logout…this is strange. Additionally, user registration is no longer working from the frontend of the site. When a new user submits registration, the page just refreshes and a blank user registration page is presented to them again. This is very frustrating and any help you can render will be appreciated. Many thanks.

    <em>@Sherlock Holmes 340424 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi omojesu,

    problems seem to related to those plugins of CiviCRM User Management and User – JFusion once i disabled those and enabled the User – Joomla! plugin things was going well, I am not much sure what those plugins for, can you contact those plugin authors for taking a look ?</blockquote>

    omojesu Friend

    Any update please?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    This is test result on your site.

    1) Create account from front-end and notify error “Invalid Token”
    2) Login into admin area but this account you sent on forum could have permission to change JA Login module on Admin area.
    3) Ftp account could not login on your hosting

    Please send PM me again admin access and ftp account. I will help you out of this.

    omojesu Friend

    Thanks. I have PMed you the details as requested. Well appreciated.

    <em>@Ninja Lead 342360 wrote:</em><blockquote>This is test result on your site.

    1) Create account from front-end and notify error “Invalid Token”
    2) Login into admin area but this account you sent on forum could have permission to change JA Login module on Admin area.
    3) Ftp account could not login on your hosting

    Please send PM me again admin access and ftp account. I will help you out of this.</blockquote>

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I tried to test with your site and could see the followings:

    1) Admin access is not permitted to change “JA Login module” from Admin area
    2) FTP account could not access toyour hosting because it is missing username info.

    Please check again and PM the valid access!

    omojesu Friend

    I have sent you another PM. thanks

    <em>@Ninja Lead 342614 wrote:</em><blockquote>I tried to test with your site and could see the followings:

    1) Admin access is not permitted to change “JA Login module” from Admin area
    2) FTP account could not access toyour hosting because it is missing username info.

    Please check again and PM the valid access!</blockquote>

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I have spent time to check the problem on your site. I saw the followings:

    + JA Login Form with registration form: our module has been customized from com_user of joomla defeault with field name: username, password, email…
    + About com_user on your site, it is random field name such as: username, password, email… to other.

    JA Login form does not match with com_user on your site and it fails when registering from A Login module

    What plugin did you use or what did you customize com_user? I could not edit registration form from back-end usingyour account you sent me. It is not granted access permission for this page and i’m not yet to check carefully.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)

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