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  • charles12 Friend


    I emailed webmaster//at//joomlart.com the other night and he informed me to post this message and problem to the forum for Technical Support. I suppose I’ll ask my questions here more often so that in turn others with similar problems can view the problem and hopefully resolution as well.

    My problem is, yesterday I was cleaning up a new installation, after my old one was corrupted, Joomla, and re-installed the template JA Altair (which I must add I LOVE.) However, I was cleaning out various sections of the site from the examples and tests that it includes during installation and accidently deleted the Newsflash module at the top of the JA Altair template.

    That module that is YELLOW in color which the owner can put quoted Newsflash announcements into and stays on all the pages? This is the one I accidentally deleted and now cannot retrieve again. I’ve tried re-installing the Module Newsflash but yet that one Yellow table area will not show back up for the life of me.

    As well, is there a way to limit this yellow block to just the MAIN PAGE rather than appearing on all the pages throughout the website?

    Thanks for any assistance that can be given.


    Hung Dinh Friend

    You can go to Admin >> Modules >> Newsflash
    There will be a list of paramenters on the right which allow you to choose the page where you wish the module displays.
    In your case, just choose the “Home” page only

    charles12 Friend

    Perfect, thank you!

    Also, I was curious if you knew how I could remove the “NEXT” and “PREVIOUS” links from the News Articles posted to the website?

    Thanks again!


    Hung Dinh Friend

    I think you can remove the Back button only.
    Admin >> Menu manager >> Home and uncheck it from the right panel

    However, you can remove them by deleting them from joomla codes 🙂

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hung Dinh 18 years, 5 months ago.

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