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  • ncunico Friend


    I need help for the mod masshead:

    I assigned it to all my k2 items but don’t know how to configure it.. it just appear a small grey square…

    could anyone please help me?



    pavit Moderator


    You need to publish the ja_masshead position in the page where you want it showed

    Then you need to configure your masshead module as shown below

    [Masshead Itemid="498" title="Contact us" background="images/sampledata/masshead/mh-1.jpg"][/Masshead]
    [Masshead Itemid="496" title="Student's blog" background="images/sampledata/masshead/mh-2.jpg"][/Masshead]
    [Masshead Itemid="533" title="Students highlight" background="images/sampledata/masshead/mh-1.jpg"][/Masshead]
    [Masshead Itemid="534" title="All videos" background="images/sampledata/masshead/mh-1.jpg"][/Masshead]

    Change itemid with the number of your K2 itemid
    You can also change image and title

    For any reference check the userguide HERE

    phong nam Friend

    Hi Nick,

    Pls follow @pavit‘s tips and make sure that the itemId is the id of the menu item you want to display masshead texts.

    i.e: Eco 2 Cross Tour menu item has id = 596. So, the code should be:

    [Masshead Itemid="596" title="Eco 2 Cross Tour" background="images/sampledata/masshead/mh-1.jpg"][/Masshead]

    Clear JAT3 after saving changes.

    ncunico Friend


    Thanks Pavit & Leo, I was using the K2 item’ item number instead of the menu’s item id number…


    Thank you!!!


    ffaiz Friend


    im having problem with my masshead, every time i save the configuration condition for the masshead module a backslash automatically added in my line for example

    “[Masshead Itemid=”126″ title=”Mission & Vision” background=”images/sampledata/masshead/mh-1.jpg”][/Masshead]”

    so in the frontpages i can’t see the masshead background image.


    phong nam Friend

    Hi ffaiz,

    Can you try to set Editor – TinyMCE as a default editior in Global configuration ?
    Then try to edit the HTML format of JA Masshead module as I mentioned above. Clear JAT3 cache after saving changes.

    ffaiz Friend

    I had changed to TinyMCE but it doesn’t solved the problem.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @ffaiz: This is the problem from your hosting because Disabling Magic Quotes on your hosting is enabling. You need to contact system administrator of your hosting to Off in php.ini, you can have a look at : http://php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.disabling.php for reference

    ffaiz Friend

    Thanks a lot for the support :), sorry for the late reply, actually i had already figure out the cause of the problem myself and manage to fix it.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ffaiz 11 years, 5 months ago.

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