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  • milsirhc Friend

    Seems like a bug.

    If I set my frontpage as a Jreview list page and hide the content block. It causes a problem with Jreview’s click2search function where it does not display the results though the result is pointing to another menu ID.

    Looks like as long as I hide the default page, click2search results page show blank (ie: hidden)

    Manos Moderator


    Can you show us your site so we can check the issue and try to suggest a solution to this problem ?



    milsirhc Friend

    Hi pascm,

    PM’ed you the URL! 🙂 – Thanks!

    Manos Moderator


    I will let you know when i find a solution to this!



    milsirhc Friend


    The strange thing is if you hide other cities (and not the frontpage one), click2search output results for all cities OK.

    Only if you hide the frontpage one, click2search does not work for all cities – ie: showing blank result (hidden!)

    Manos Moderator

    Well i guess that this is happening because click2search output all the results on frontpage .

    milsirhc Friend

    Doesn’t looks like it cos it’s outputting to another page (not the frontpage).

    Is there a way to hide frontpage content block by changing the code in Joomla and not using Joomlart plugin? This way we can tell if it’s the plugin causing the issue or not.

    milsirhc Friend

    Can you guide me how to hide the default front page content block using PHP codes and not JAT T3 plugin?

    n6rej Friend

    remove the “message” block from inside layout.

    milsirhc Friend

    There is no message block in my layout.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <layout name="desktop">
    <!--Extra css load for this layout-->
    <blocks name="top" style="xhtml">
    <block name="absolute" type="modules" style="raw">absolute</block>
    <block name="top-panel" type="modules" style="raw" main-inner="1">top-panel</block>
    <block name="mainnav" type="mainnav" main-inner="1"></block>
    <block name="header" type="header" main-inner="1"></block>
    <block name="cpanel" type="usertools/cpanel"></block>
    <block name="topsl" specialwidth="30" special="right" type="spotlight-top" >user1,user2,user3,user4,user5</block>
    <block name="breadcrumb" type="modules" ></block>

    <blocks name="middle" colwidth="30">
    <block name="content-mass-top" >content-mass</block>
    <block name="inset2" width="25" >left</block>
    <block name="right1" width="34">right</block>
    <blocks name="bot" style="xhtml">
    <block name="cs" type="modules" style="raw" no-main="1" >ja-cs</block>
    <block name="tabs" type="modules" no-main="1" style="raw" >ja-tabs</block>
    <blocks name="bottom" style="xhtml">
    <block name="botsl" type="spotlight" style="JArounded" >user6,user7,user8,user9,user10</block>
    <block name="footer" type="footer" ></block>

    Manos Moderator


    You could try to remove this one :
    <block name="content-mass-top" >content-mass</block>



    n6rej Friend

    not sure why you did that but ok… the “page” you want to be your “front page”just need to be set as the “default” You can do the same with any content item by simply marking it as such in the menu.

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