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  • wicksie Friend

    Hi, using J1.5+ and Trona QuickStart all went fine apart from two points that I have tried to search the forums for but cannot find the specific answers, I hope someone can help:

    Firstly, on the photogallery using JA HS the thumbnails do not show, the main images will show when selected but the thumbnails won’t, is this a permissions thing? If so, where are they located and if not what can I do to get them to show?

    Secondly, JaToolTips – on the demo it is obviousl what this is but on my install (and many I have found across the Web it just shows the code and no effect, such as – What are the benefits when I join {jatooltips}JATC Visit JoomlArt.com {/jatooltips}?

    What can I do to get this to work as per the demo? Any advice and or suggestions are hugely welcome, thank you very much JA for as always great work and a very well supported community.

    Much obliged, cheers

    jsliao Friend

    could you pls provide a link to your live site?

    wicksie Friend

    hi, it is currently set to offline but i shall be in the office in an hour and will set a user/pass and post it in here, many thanks

    wicksie Friend

    hi, as stated i have just loaded the template so no worm as yet undertaken but i feel it is important to get the functions working correctly at the start

    username ja_guest
    password trona

    Any assistance is gratefully received

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator


    Checked your website, Regarding your thumbnail issue, just check the folder Your_joomla/images/resized/images/stories/gallery . The thumbnails should be there.
    In case they are not there, that means they are not being generated. Highslide generates the thumbnails automatically, but need write access to the folder.

    Set your folder permission of Your_joomla/images/resized folder to 755 and try again.

    wicksie Friend

    …that is interesting as their is no resized folder, i shall create one and 755 it and see how it goes…standby

    wicksie Friend

    created images/resized set to 755 but no joy

    incidentally shall do thanking officially when i log in next via a pc not my phone

    Any other suggestions?

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Inside your newly created resized folder do you see, images/stories/gallery??? These three folders should be created automatically. If they are absent that means highslide is not getting read write access to resized folder.

    Just to clear the thumbnail path issue, compare the two attached pics. One is from your site and another from my localhost.

    jsliao Friend

    pls send your joomla and ftp username and passwords via PM for me to take a further look

    wicksie Friend

    ok thanks, problem is now to amend us to rw the folder? Sorry if answers are short but my phone is not the user friendly

    wicksie Friend

    …and it makes my English look bloody poor! Sorry.

    jsliao Friend

    i managed to solve the highslide problem by manually creating the required nested folders and setting its permission to 777

    have no idea why your tooltips cant work tho.

    wicksie Friend

    Thank you both, it is very much appreciated, as i said previously thanks will follow later

    If anyone can solve the ToolTip issue that’d be fine and dandy

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    <em>@jsliao 120445 wrote:</em><blockquote>i managed to solve the highslide problem by manually creating the required nested folders and setting its permission to 777

    have no idea why your tooltips cant work tho.</blockquote>

    Yaa the gallery is working now, You set those permissions through FTP? Then may be you can observe the generalized permission settings on folders.

    Now that you got it working with setting the folder permission. May be correcting the folder permissions for the folders resolve the tooltip issue too. Just wondering how did he installed the quickstart at first place? is the site exactly in the root of web server folder or in subdirectory?

    I have observed in my shared hosting, that file permission can be a problem when installing in the root directory (/public_html), whereas, file permissions work fine when installing in sub-directory (/public_html/mysite).

    wicksie Friend

    Installed directly in root, no subdomain

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