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  • Bob Meetin Friend

    See sample page at: http://dottedi.biz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=199&Itemid=341

    when I enable highslide it only displays code in the box where images should display. I have tried this by either listing an image or pulling from a folder.

    I have the Jumi module and plugin installed, so to be sure I disabled the Jumi plugin and saw no difference.

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear bobmeetin !

    Have you enabled JA Highslide plugin ?

    Bob Meetin Friend

    That was it. It is easy to forget to enable plugins when modules are available. Spans too many brain cells. Thx, Bob

    wooohanetworks Friend

    Right, I also thought about that like early in the morning some hours ago, when I read this lonely post, but somehow I did not mention this. Good that the problem is solved with that!!!:)

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