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  • jwellman Friend

    Hello everyone!

    I would like to enter our latest project in the SOTM contest for March but I was hoping you guys would take a look at the pages before I enter. Please let me know if you see any errors. I had a lot of trouble with the Moo-menu and using a secure site. The Moo-menu also went crazy in Google Chrome. After much trial and tribulation (and many new, gray hairs), I ended up switching over to the CSS menu and now many of the errors have stopped… at least on my end. For those with different browser options, if you can check the site for accuracy, I would be most appreciative.

    The site was built by me and my brother (a fellow developer and overall computer guru, who by the way is having a birthday today- Happy Birthday Big Brother. :-* ) It is a Christian camp and retreat center located in the great state of Pennsylvania.

    The site needed to accommodate summer campers and several other various organizations. It was installed with DT Register which enables registration and payment of people who are coming to HTH to camp (or stay in the retreat center). It also features the ability for people to make online donations to the organization.

    I wanted my brother to be able to easily switch back and forth between templates so that he would have the capability to display spring/summer, fall and winter designs. That was the reason I chose JAZinc. Since it is already incorporated with several templates, it was just a matter of modifying each one.

    Spring/Summer is up at the moment but I have provided screen shots of the other seasons for those interested.

    The JAZinc template was my launching pad. Thank you JA team for your lovely creation!
    Live Site: His Thousand Hills
    Fall Screenshot
    Winter Screenshot

    I look forward to your feedback and thank you for visiting the site!

    bennitos Friend

    Would love to see your new site Jess but i cant load the site it times out.

    wooohanetworks Friend

    Loads and loads and loads…and finally loads the site after some minutes. I actually continued work and now saw the the site is there but it still loads somehow also when all content can be seen.

    jwellman Friend

    Sorry guys… it was a bad move on my part to feature the site while Todd is working in the background. :(( He is moving a bunch of sites from one server to another and it has slowed the site to a crawl. He has stopped for awhile and the site should load rather quickly now.

    If for some chance you to try to preview later and it’s slow, I apologize in advance. He’s got several sites to move over to his new server!

    wooohanetworks Friend

    Now the site loads, indeed fast. Somehow the template / site is coming along like JA Pariiti now, has similar paper like backgrounds etc.. Could go through as JA Pariiti II.;)

    jwellman Friend

    Well everyone knows how much I love Paritti. 😎

    bennitos Friend

    Now the site works for me 🙂

    As usuall your site looks really well, visual looks good and the image’s you use over the whole site are perfect.

    Didnt find any big problems but only some minor issues.

    -The contact link under “current events” does not work as it points to the sef generated link.
    For example the “monthly skate night”

    – When you subscribe to the newsletter you seem to be transfered to pages from the old website.

    – Menu structures seem to be different on some pages, For example monthy skate night has no left menu while Men’s prayer breakfast does have a left menu. And some pages dont have a left menu but have one on the right instead.

    – Frontpage links, the hyperlinks “HTH has compiled a Needs List – Please read here!” and “# Visit the supporters who sponsor HTH on a regular basis.” do not work i end up back on the home page. Think SEF again. Same with read more testimonials, and please call and…..

    – Guestbook the image verification is case sensitive, can consider to make a pointer for that.

    Hopefully this helps you some 🙂

    But once again a really really nice site if you ask me!

    jwellman Friend

    Thanks Bennitos,
    For the life of me I could not get the SSL certificate on Todd’s site to work correctly with SEF URL’s. I changed the site over yesterday to non SEF and didn’t change the links. I remembered all the photos and articles, just not the links…Doh! After days of trying to fix the security and certificate I was jumping up and down when I had the problems fixed. Oh well…That’s what I get for having too many irons in the fire. Not only did I spend weeks on Todd’s site, the MPS Forum has been down for almost a week. You can imagine how restless the natives are. :((

    Anyway… I think I have all the links cleaned up. As far as the menus, I took off the left menu on all the “Current Events” so they would match. I don’t like the left menu at all and really don’t want to use it. The right menu on all the other pages will remain. I’m not changing that part of the structure. I like it like it is. 😉

    The “Newsletter” is temporary until we find a form we like. We are also in need of a captcha for the member log-in area. Lots to do and so little time!

    bennitos Friend

    what happend to your forum??!

    And yeah i like the right menu too, and no need for 🙁 its a great looking site!

    scotty Friend

    Looks great Jessica. I saw this a while back with the winter theme and I thought the photography used was awesome. You haven’t let me down with the spring/summer one either.

    Really nice use of the Typography and CSS and a nice balance between images and text.

    The only suggestion I would make is to do something with the empty space to the left of the logo above the slideshow. Maybe make the logo full width? And I’d put a mini-logo on every page.

    jwellman Friend

    <em>@bennitos 117507 wrote:</em><blockquote>what happend to your forum??!</blockquote>
    :(( We were suddenly hit with tons of spammers trying to join the forum. We went from 5 a day to 100. The email feature decided to quit working too. I had Becca try to update the PHPbb software and it didn’t go so well. People can “reply” to topics but are currently unable to “add a new topic.” We’ve been with PHPbb for five years (and EzBoard for four years before that). My brother suggested purchasing Vbulletin. We have simply outgrown “free” software… so I bought it! Todd spent two complete days trying to import all of history from PHPbb to VBulletin. The poor guy…what a job that was for him, but he did it!!!!! :-*

    Currently I’ve been spending the last several days pouring over the Admin panel and trying to learn the new software. I think I have everything set up correctly and I’m bringing over 10 users today to start testing. I haven’t even started on the design yet, but at least the new forum is up and the restless parents can now post. 😀

    <em>@scotty 117508 wrote:</em><blockquote>Looks great Jessica. I saw this a while back with the winter theme and I thought the photography used was awesome. You haven’t let me down with the spring/summer one either. Really nice use of the Typography and CSS and a nice balance between images and text. The only suggestion I would make is to do something with the empty space to the left of the logo above the slideshow. Maybe make the logo full width? And I’d put a mini-logo on every page.</blockquote>

    Thanks Scotty and thank you for your help during the “winter” phase of the project. Originally I had the logo on every page and really liked it. I ended up removing it because it was dropping things down too far. I never even thought of a “mini” logo. Great suggestion! I was also like you and that the left part of the home page looks void at the top but then got busy with other things and it kind of grew on me.

    billyk Friend

    Hey jwellman,

    Again, a beautiful site. One comment from the “peanut” gallery, though. The buttons at the top when clicked directly (without using one of the drop downs) get you to the page, but the huge slideshow shows up on every page. Perhaps they could be made in to Placeholders? Or is there a way that once you click the button to go to the page without the slideshow?

    I am having a similar issue where I would like to have linked items from the Home page go to the item without the home page slideshow. No one has commented on it yet, but I don’t want to steal your thunder here. Maybe a quick look later would be nice?

    Rock On!!


    jwellman Friend

    <em>@billyk 117520 wrote:</em><blockquote>Again, a beautiful site. One comment from the “peanut” gallery, though. The buttons at the top when clicked directly (without using one of the drop downs) get you to the page, but the huge slideshow shows up on every page. billyk</blockquote>

    Actually they do not take you to any page. You remain on the home page. I would really like them to be dead links forcing users to use the drop downs, but I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. 😉

    Thanks for the site kudos! 🙂

    jwellman Friend

    DUH! I took the link out altogether and made it a dead link… check it out Billy! 🙂

    billyk Friend

    You got it! Looks great! You have a real designer’s eye for this stuff. Hey do just so happen to do a lot of scrapbooking? 🙂

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