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  • ittd Friend

    On my home page the template shows the language switcher with a red background. I have change the slideshow to a black background and would like to change the language switcher to a black background as well but I have tried the following and none of them appear to work. Any ideas?

    .dropdown-toggle {
    background: #000000}
    .mod-languages {
    background: #000000}
    .languageswitcherload {
    background: #000000}

    Appreciate any assistance you can offer.


    1. Sin-título-12
    pavit Moderator


    In your custom.css file add this

    .languageswitcherload .mod-languages a.dropdown-toggle:after {

    .languageswitcherload .mod-languages a.dropdown-toggle {

    ittd Friend

    Hi pavit,

    I tried but it didn’t work stays red.

    Is strange


    pavit Moderator


    Please send me via PM a super user account to your backend i will try to verify on your website your configuration

    pavit Moderator


    You are using the red theme so changes should be done in this file /css/themes/red/template.css

    I modified it starting from line 4821 please check it

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pavit 10 years, 5 months ago.

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