test melih
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  • zaktecsolutions Friend

    I have used the same layout in both of them but the home page shows different content

    I want the home page look like the following

    can you help me fix the homepage

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Both the menu items are different and use a different module.
    if you want to use Home Church menu as the default menu.
    open the Menu manager > Home church > set it as parent menu (not under home as child item).
    now set the menu item as default so when u open site this menu will show.


    zaktecsolutions Friend

    I am relay confused about this template I just need to get home church template working
    I use the main menu on top
    how do I get the home page displaying like this

    i have done what you said

    1. Menus-Edit-Item-shadeofmercy-org-Administration
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    In the screenshot its not Home church menu.
    Open the Home church menu and apply the same setting as shown in your screenshot here:
    Set it as home menu root and as default http://prntscr.com/iguh87
    After that, you can disable the default home menu.

    if are unable to do this, you can share the admin details in private reply, I will set it for you.


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pankaj Sharma 6 years, 11 months ago.

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