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  • mj1256 Friend

    An associate would like to get a HostGator resellers account. I have never used them.

    any joomla issues other than not have ffmpeg available?

    anyone on have any good or bad experiences to relate before he does this?

    dlocc Friend

    I use hostgator and can’t complain.. they have great support and my site hardly experience any host-related downtime. I have the baby croc package… only $10 a month. I think the reseller packs at like $25?

    jwellman Friend

    Hi MJ,
    We have two server locations and Gator is one of them. In my opinion they do an awesome job. We have had no errors or issues since signing up with them in February.


    shertmann Friend

    hi mj i can tell my story maybe it could help you. begining this year i was looking for a trusted company for to start as reseller because i have great bad experiences here with locals resellers(i live in venezuela) so i make a deep research and i make the decision to move to one ot the top tens that has better critics in the forums so i finally have two options hostgator godaddy(then i knew about 1and1, but that is another story) so when i review what anyone offers me i see that hostgator is the one i was looknig for so coincidentially a friend and asociate of mine have this problem with her site(it was hacked because of his former isp make and default server configuration, so i tell her what not use hostgator. well the change was not only a good choice because they have a seccure servers, but the speed, the site of mine friend was faster as 100% more fast to see(she have one of those flash heavy sites), so i see for my own eyes that hostgator is the right one, so i make a contract with them and since april i am a happy gator customer for one of their reseller packages the aluminium. besides that i make my numbers and i see( wao 12.5$ the giga a year) that is a good figure for make business. you make your numbers and you see if you sell the 24 gigas they set you and you sell it for a 2X or 3X multiplier you make a gross sale anually of 600$ or 900$ , is interesting as an aditional for my business, don’t you think so?

    mj1256 Friend

    WOW,, great feedback, we went with hostgator and so far no problems, they are very helpfull and they know JOOMLA real well and are able and willing to help.

    they even helped us set up WHMautopilot and now all the accounts are automated.

    Rochen is still where i reside, but if needed, i would move to hostgator next.

    thanks again

    shertmann Friend

    how it works WHMautopilot?

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