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  • marthacotton Friend

    I’m using Teline II 1.6 on a Joomla 1.5.8 site. I loaded all of the sample data and I’m having a problem with the auto resizing of the article photos in the “Hot Topics” module. When I load photos, they appear, but they only fill about 2/3 of the module. If I use the photos that came with the sample data, the correctly resize to 152X200. Auto resizing is enabled.

    Any ideas what is causing this problem?


    questbg Friend

    Hi Chas

    I had the same problem and never found an answer. In the end, I just size all my images to 152 x 200 pixels prior to upload!

    Bit of a pain but works/looks great.


    marthacotton Friend

    Thanks questbg, I’ll do the same. I see what’s happening and I guess it makes sense. When I add a photo to the article, if I set the size at 152×200 and don’t keep the original ratio, the photo in the article sometimes looks strange. However, when the photo is auto-resized for the Hot Topics, it keeps the 200px width, but the height is auto-sized to keep the same ratio as the original photo so I don’t get really tall skinny people. 😀

    Obviously, I could change the module height, but that won’t work well for all photos. Oh well, I guess cropping photos is going to be a must.

    Thanks again!

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