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  • cjmicro Friend

    Good morning! I am finally on the last leg of this site, and just have one little issue which I cannot solve. I am using images for the mainnav and the hover of the moomenu. I have a med gray and a dark gray.

    Somehow when you first mouseover the menu link, another hover is briefly showing up which is not finding the correct image. Therefore you see what looks like little dots before the med gray hover shows up.

    I think this is a broken link to the dark or med gray image in the hover or background somewhere, but can’t find it!!

    Can you tell me where else it might need updating that image?

    Thank you,

    scotty Friend

    The moomenu is made with the <ul> tag which is a list tag. As it is an Unordered List it would normally show bullets like…

    • This
    • and this
    • and this too.

    The little image you are seeing as actually a grey bullet with a white background. To remove it add the text in red to ja.moomenu.css around line 32…

    #ja-cssmenu li {
    margin: 0; /* all list items */
    padding: 0;
    float: left;
    display: block;
    border-right: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
    cursor: pointer;
    background: none

    cjmicro Friend


    WOOHOO you did it again. Thanks!!

    I was really close… just was looking for an image background to remove. But this did the trick and I thank you as always for your great help.


    jwellman Friend

    I was waiting until someone answered your question before I butted in! I wanted to tell you Cheryl…your site is awesome. Very nicely done. It’s hard to guess that it is Pyrite.

    scotty Friend

    Yes I forgot to mention that. When I saw it weeks ago I thought ‘this is never going to work, Pyrite, for this site?’ but it has come on in leaps and bounds. VERY WELL DONE!!!

    cjmicro Friend

    Thank you too Scotty! I learned a few things… I can customize a lot about the templates, but it is better to find one that matches what you want to do (thus my thread about the new magento templates).

    It also was the client… “can’t the menu be GLOSSY” (which is how the background of the menu and hovers needed to be changed and got this thread started in the first plac!! “can’t the text be sans serif” “can’t the menu background be GLOSSY”…. I don’t know what it was with her and glossy, but she is happy, and her menus hover right now thanks to you!

    I didn’t come up with the design, I just did the development based on the other designer’s design, so I can’t take credit for the design, just making it work with the template.


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  cjmicro 15 years, 8 months ago.

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