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  • brenot Friend

    How can I add a new module position like the image samples?


    1. Layout_v5_newposition
    2. Layout_v5
    khoand Friend

    – You add this code into pluginssystemjat3base-themesdefaultpagedefault.php

    <?php if( $this->countModules('customposition') ): ?>
    <div id="customposition" class="clearfix">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="customposition" style="JAxhtml" />
    <?php endif ?>


    <div id="ja-container" class="wrap <?php echo $this->getColumnWidth('cls_w')?$this->getColumnWidth('cls_w'):'ja-mf'; ?>">

    – You set position of your module is customposition

    brenot Friend


    Thanks………….. But its not working. I think there is anything more to do.
    I just do as you told me, bur doe not work, you can check at my test server at


    khoand Friend

    Do you use customposition for your module?

    khoand Friend

    Could you give me username+password of ftp and backend? I will check it

    brenot Friend

    <em>@khoand 252217 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,
    Could you give me username+password of ftp and backend? I will check it</blockquote>
    i just send you by PM


    khoand Friend

    I fixed it. I add my code into /templates/ja_bistro/page/default.php

    brenot Friend

    Thanks a lot,

    I’m having trouble configuring this module.
    I just need the image of the slideshow to appear as in the example.
    I dont now why i can change this, i found the write css file of the theme module, but this parameter of the photo i can find how to fix this.

    khoand Friend

    Where slideshow module do you want to fix (at customposition or content-mass-top)?

    brenot Friend

    i dont now why when I change one, the other change to. Even using other theme for the module.

    khoand Friend

    I’m sorry about late response. I don’t think so, description of two slideshow modules are different. Do you want slideshow at content-mass-top position is like demo?

    brenot Friend

    Hi, there is a hole between the new “customposition” and ther others.But this hole was not to be there.
    Can you help-me?

    1. SAMPLE_hole
    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Please open the file
    templates/ja_bistro/css/template.css (Line 555)

    Replace this code snippet

    div.ja-moduletable, div.moduletable {
    margin-bottom: 0;
    margin-top: 10;


    div.ja-moduletable, div.moduletable {
    margin-bottom: 0;
    margin-top: 0;

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

This topic contains 13 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Thanh Nguyen Viet 13 years, 5 months ago.

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