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  • micheltorres Friend


    I want to add Google +1 in the sidebar, below tweet and Facebook share button (like Joomlart site).
    Is it possible?

    Thank you


    jooservices Friend

    <em>@micheltorres 272417 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    I want to add Google +1 in the sidebar, below tweet and Facebook share button (like Joomlart site).
    Is it possible?

    Thank you


    please give me your site url / ftp and ( or ) screenshot with note than i can help you to do that
    thank you
    viet vu

    micheltorres Friend

    Hello viet vu,
    I sent a private message to you

    jooservices Friend

    I’ll try to check it today when i come to office.
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    jooservices Friend

    I’ve quick checked your site. But please:
    – Give me your FTP access to do that.
    – Which plugin / module / etc. you are using to show toolbox like that ?
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    jooservices Friend

    Have you solved your issue at your side ? 🙂
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    micheltorres Friend

    Hello again,

    In fact the board did not send notice of your response. I was still waiting.
    I sent this information in a PM to you right now.

    Thank you again

    micheltorres Friend

    Still no response, and Facebook Share stop working. 🙁

    jooservices Friend

    By somehow i’ve no received any email notify about your update. Sorry about this.
    Let’s me check.
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    ps:// your ftp in my PM do not work please update 🙂


    <div class="ja-social-toolbox-small">
    <div class="inner clearfix">
    <div class="articleCreated">
    <span class="date">13</span>
    <span class="month">Out</span>
    <span class="year">2011</span>
    <div class="ja-retweet-horizontal-home">
    <iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/tweet_button.html#_=1319412796012&count=horizontal&counturl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.podcastcafebrasil.com.br%2Fpodcasts%2F267-tolerancia-zero&id=twitter_tweet_button_0&lang=en&original_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fpodcastcafebrasil.com.br%2F&text=267%2B-%2BToler%C3%A2ncia%2Bzero&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.podcastcafebrasil.com.br%2Fpodcasts%2F267-tolerancia-zero&via=cafe_brasil" class="twitter-share-button twitter-count-horizontal" style="width: 110px; height: 20px;" title="Twitter For Websites: Tweet Button"></iframe>
    <script src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <div class="ja-facebookshare-button_count-home">
    <fb:share-button type="button_count" href="http://www.podcastcafebrasil.com.br/podcasts/267-tolerancia-zero" class="url "><span class=""><a target="_blank" class="fb_button fb_button_small" id="f1d5cdb1f13eb8" href="http://www.podcastcafebrasil.com.br/podcasts/267-tolerancia-zero"><span class="fb_button_text">Share</span></a><span class="fb_share_count_nub_right"> </span><span class="fb_share_count fb_share_count_right"><span class="fb_share_count_inner">25</span></span></span></fb:share-button>
    </div> </div>

    You can put your google code into div.ja-social-toolbox-small it should be fine.

    micheltorres Friend

    Hi Viet Vu

    in which file I find this div.ja-social-toolbox-small?

    Thank you

    micheltorres Friend


    Any news?

    Best Regards?

    jooservices Friend

    For Joomla 1.7

    Y:JoomlartJA Eventsjatc_events_j17_releasetemplatesja_eventshtmlcom_contentfeatureddef

    Thank you
    Viet Vu

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

This topic contains 12 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jooservices 13 years, 2 months ago.

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