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  • madfish2008 Friend


    Installing the quickstart package, i have little bugs that seems to be easily to fix, but after a few hours i still don’t know where i can make the changes !!

    In hot topic : title color is not white but blue … how can i change it to white?? knowing the rest of the text is white (see pic attached)

    In ja-news : title are not bold !! while in demo … they are. how can i change it to bold. (see pic attached)

    thanks for help 🙂

    1. teline
    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@madfish2008 57782 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi!

    Installing the quickstart package, i have little bugs that seems to be easily to fix, but after a few hours i still don’t know where i can make the changes !!

    In hot topic : title color is not white but blue … how can i change it to white?? knowing the rest of the text is white (see pic attached)

    In ja-news : title are not bold !! while in demo … they are. how can i change it to bold. (see pic attached)

    thanks for help :)</blockquote>

    Hi madfish,

    First, a word of caution (I hope you will take it):

    If I were you, I would not attempt to touch the CSS, until you are really very comfortable with how the CSS specification is structured and how it works. Unlike simple pages, the CSS of websites that involves several “programs” and scripts can be very complicated. You do not find what you are looking for in one place.

    If you are not systematic in doing so, what you change in the CSS specifications may have far reaching consequences that will not be apparent, immediately.

    The ones you stated, are as you stated, little things. There are bigger thing about the JA Teline II that may require your priority.

    But, enough with the warning. Plunge ahead, if you are daring.

    I have not changed those specific css features yet, but the long process below is what I do in general to change the features. Basically. this is a CSS issue.

    So, to find exactly what in the CSS to change
    1)perform a “View page source” (from your browser)

    View => “View page source”

    this will give you the full html of a page.

    2) Use “find” to locate one of the words (better would be a phrase) that is associated with the feature you wanted to change
    Aroung the word (or phrase) you were looking for would be “DIV” or “SPAN” stuff
    some like this

    (DIV class=””)

    (DIV ID=””)

    (SPAN class=””)

    where “(” and “)” are the symbols for “less than” or “greater than”.

    Start with the DIV or SPAN nearest the term (e.g. specific title of the article) you wanted changed. [Note: You may have to work farther up the series of SPAN or DIV. Yeah, grin and bear it, but it is a pain to be changing the CSS.] You have to perform the following tasks:

    What you are looking for would be the term in between the quotations “”, in the DIV or SPAN => that term is defined in the CSS and defines the features of the title, the module, etc.

    For example:

    <div class="jazin-content clearfix">
    <h4 class="jazin-title"><a href="http://innovative-biomedicalab.com/jte10x00/content/view/23/82/" title="Making Recycling Really Pay">Making Recycling Really Pay</a></h4>

    3) Once you found the term between the quotations “” => Go to the CSS directory:

    You can do this using the Admin Control Panel, but I prefer using the FTP

    Go to

    templates =>ja_teline_ii => css => (select specific css)

    the logical place to start is the template.css (although some specifications may be found in the other css). In the case that you mentioned here, the ones you need would be either


    In Mac computers (I do not know how they do it in PC), I use Fetch (FTP), highlight the css file that you wish to look at, then click the Edit icon.
    This will open the specific css, and then use the “find” feature to now locate the term between the quotations “” found in the DIV or SPAN (above in #2)

    4) Play around with the specifications. You might have to look at the nearby CSS specifications

    Note: for those you are referring to, they are “links” and the CSS specifications you would looking for might include an “a” after the term that you found between the quotations “” found in the DIV or SPAN (above in #2

    For example:

    <div class="jazin-content clearfix">
    <h4 class="jazin-title"><a href="http://innovative-biomedicalab.com/jte10x00/content/view/23/82/" title="Making Recycling Really Pay">Making Recycling Really Pay</a></h4>

    In the above example, I will start with jazin-title.since that is part of the JA News, I look first in the


    and you should find this (for the JA Teline II with Joomla 1.5.x:

    h2.jazin-title, h4.jazin-title
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    line-height: 1.1;
    margin-bottom: 5px;

    adding “font-weight: bold;” might solve it. I have not tried yet.

    What is a puzzle is that for for the JA Teline II with Joomla 1.0.x, the specifications are the same as above, and yet the titles are already bold in Joomla 1.0.x.

    You might have to look at the nearby css specifications to solve this.

    Precautions when changing CSS specifications

    A word of caution, be very careful when you change specifications, other than the one related to what you have targeted. You can destroy the entire page look, if you randomly change a more generic link specification, for example.

    To avoid this, I do it very systematically. In the example above, I added this — /* orig changed added */ as shown below

    h2.jazin-title, h4.jazin-title
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    line-height: 1.1;
    margin-bottom: 5px;
    font-weight: bold
    } /* orig changed added font-weight: bold */

    to indicate that I added ‘font-weight: bold‘, that the latter is not part of the original css specifcation for ‘h2.jazin-title, h4.jazin-title

    be sure to hit clear cache and refresh your browser several times, before you check if the specification change has its intended effect.

    If not, I remove the change I made. If you don’t, you might run into problems later.

    A messed up CSS is your worst nightmare.

    It is not easy and it is not very forgiving, once you make a mistake, and did not undo any change systematically.

    You are forewarned. It took me a long time before I touched the CSS.



    Repeat the same for the Hot Topic.

    Ain’t it fun?

    cgc0202 Friend

    Hi madfish,

    It turned out there are several people asking the same question about Hot Topic title, so posted this as a separate TIP:


    because I just noticed that there are several people asking the same questions.

    Basically, the procedure to find the specific CSS is the same, as I outlined above.


    minas69 Friend


    I have the same problem and I also followed the link above but I dónt know from which css you talk about ?!
    Please let me know which css I have to change !

    Thanks in advance 😉

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@minas69 58287 wrote:</em><blockquote>Sorry,

    I have the same problem and I also followed the link above but I dónt know from which css you talk about ?!
    Please let me know which css I have to change !

    Thanks in advance ;)</blockquote>

    Hi minas,

    What link were you referring to? madfish2008 had two little things that (s)he wanted addressed

    Hot Topic title color


    JA News Headline (not being bold).

    If your problem is

    Hot Topic title color

    The blue color of the title is caused by the CSS specification


    and you will find this in


    (via FTP you will find this by following this route)

    templates =>ja_teline_ii => css => template.css

    Let me repeat what I posted in

    Hot Topic title color

    One possible solution (but see Warning & Caution below)

    As it turned out, the


    is defined in template.css

    (via FTP you will find this by following this route)

    templates =>ja_teline_ii => css => template.css

    font-size: 150%;

    You may change it to this:

    font-size: 150%;
    color: #ffffff;
    text-decoration: none;

    (end of excerpt)

    I will not repeat everything I posted in

    Hot Topic title color

    but you should read the Warning and Caution in that link.

    Changing the CSS specifications of:


    to the one indicated above may cause you problems if
    is used elsewhere in other layouts where the background is white instead of dark, like the situation in Hot Topic title.

    Guess what your problem will be?


    cgc0202 Friend

    Hi minas,

    If your problem is JA News Headline (not being bold), I outlined in my original response a general approach on how to identify the CSS specification and the actual CSS file — both were identified. However, I did not check whether it works or not.

    So, I am not sure if it worked. If it did not work something else is involved. But, there are some bugs in the Joomla 1.5x for JA Teline II.

    I prefer using Joomla 1.0x for JA Teline II for now, for many reasons. So, I have not done much yet to identify all the CSS issues with Joomla 1.5x for JA Teline II . I found out for example and reported that the

    Bug: ja_catslwi.css missing in Joomla 1.5.x kit

    something that affects all of you who use Joomla 1.5x for JA Teline II but many of my bugs and errors report here in Joomlart are completely ignored by Joomlart staff, so I do not even know why I bother, sometimes.

    It may be long before I use Joomla 1.5.x so I am not really as invested in making it work, right now. If you did not notice, Joomla 1.5x for JA Teline II is actually very slow — something that will not go well with your visitors. As I stated, there are more reasons why I am not using Joomla 1.5x, right now, as I discussed elsewhere.

    Actually, some of the problems we think are those of the templates by Joomlart are actually a proble of the Joomla 1.5.x.

    If you are just starting, with little scripting background and it does not really if your site is really based on Joomla 1.0.x or Joomla 1.5.x, I would suggest using Joomla 1.0.x.

    Learn the ropes first with the more stable Joomla 1.0.x, and when you are more experienced, you may venture into Joomla 1.5.x. Most of the annoying bugs or omissions in Joomla 1.5.x may be resolved by then.


    bossep Friend

    Hey Cornellio,
    did you ever get a respose to this?

    <blockquote>Bug: ja_catslwi.css missing in Joomla 1.5.x kit


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@bossep 58320 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hey Cornellio,
    did you ever get a respose to this?


    No Bosse,

    I really do not need a response. Since I found it is missing, I just placed one myself for my site. I bet many customers are not aware it was the case though. So, you can lose your mine trying to find a CSS specification that is not listed in any of the ones included in the CSS directory.


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi all.
    Support team often must to reply so much threads,maybe they miss some questions.
    If anyone have problem, post on forum and dont have reply, plz pm me, i will try to help
    Good luck

    minas69 Friend

    Hi cornelio,

    thanks for your description – I solved the problem with the Hot Modul ( blue color ). About the other things i´m not worried about. I´m a newby and changed already with your Teline II ( ..http://www.thesunshine.de … ) to Joomla 1.5.3….
    And for me i´m happy ….. These some bugs I can handle I think…!

    Thanks a lot for your work and have a good time 🙂

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@minas69 58407 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi cornelio,

    thanks for your description – I solved the problem with the Hot Modul ( blue color ). About the other things i´m not worried about. I´m a newby and changed already with your Teline II ( ..http://www.thesunshine.de … ) to Joomla 1.5.3….
    And for me i´m happy ….. These some bugs I can handle I think…!

    Thanks a lot for your work and have a good time :)</blockquote>

    You are welcome, minas. I am glad to be of help.

    I prefer non-bold (normal) headlines for articles, so the style in Joomla 1.5x is just fine with me.

    Your site is very nice minas. You have done a very good job with it. I wish I understand the language. My interest and dream in websites creation actually is to get to know people from all over the world who may be willing to share their own culture from their own perspectives. I think one of the problems of our world today is that our understanding and perception of other peoples of the world and their cultures come mainly from arm chair experts (academicians), journalists who visit countries (and after a few years proclaim themselves experts of a country and a people), and the worst are the talking heads on television nowadays here in the US who may not have even visited the country at all but may have done extensive readings, and now arrogated the mantel of knowing a culture, a country or a people. The worst part in the US today is that many become the bloggers who if cunning enough might become the new left or neo-conservative that now populate our television, radios and papers. And people actually believe or are these talking heads. Those who suffer most from these treatments are non-Western cultures and countries.

    However, having been to a few countries in Europe and Canada myself, and having many met visitors (mostly scientists and students from these countries) who came to work in our institutions for a few years, I cannot believe how many Americans have a wrong impression of how things go in these countries, or even Japan, from the perspectives of the natives I met.

    At the same time, I was in an anti-censorship protest group in Flickr once and I was amazed how many Europeans in the group have a negative opinion (caricature) of Americans and American way of life and institutions and corporations. I am a foreigner myself (Filipino) who came to live (first to study) in the US, then at some point became a citizen. I realize (and experienced) the subtle discrimination and other disturbing developments in the US especially in the current administatration — but I was still flabbergasted about how offmark the Europeans were in that Flickr. It is possible that they might not be representative, but when I read or happen to listen to some British media experts, it seems the perception of the Ugly American is believed and perpetuated by them.

    Consider that there seems to be no dearth of information flow with internet and all the massmedia exchanged “across the pond” and yet the aforementioned observations were prevalent. Just imagine how much more likely our perceptions of cultures of countries that are less known to the West could be so misguided.

    I digressed, but these were what came to mind, when I saw your page and its rich content, but could not understand it at all because of the language barrier — the images are not unfamiliar but the message will forever be beyond my reach.


    minas69 Friend

    Wow, 😎

    This is an answer…:) Dont want to answer in the same way..there is so much inside your answers that we have to share many dicussions in the future :)……

    Generally this hp thesunshine release only positive news each week ( more or less …not getting deeper )…. for people who wants to read good news…..additional you can find some storys and things which are important for life but nobody talk about…. So. my english is not really the best but I hope you can feel what I mean…If you want register to my page and we can share some ideas, helpfull things in life or……something else…..

    Perhaps you can take the google translator to understand in a better way,,,,:)

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@minas69 58466 wrote:</em><blockquote>Wow, 😎

    This is an answer…:) Dont want to answer in the same way..there is so much inside your answers that we have to share many dicussions in the future :)……

    Generally this hp thesunshine release only positive news each week ( more or less …not getting deeper )…. for people who wants to read good news…..additional you can find some storys and things which are important for life but nobody talk about…. So. my english is not really the best but I hope you can feel what I mean…If you want register to my page and we can share some ideas, helpfull things in life or……something else…..

    Perhaps you can take the google translator to understand in a better way,,,,:)</blockquote>

    That is true minas,

    I shall place you in my list here, and perhaps when we have more time, we can discuss things.

    One of the things that I wish to highlight in an alternate form of media (through the internet) is to focus on what I call the “triumphs of man”, how common people deal with the challenges and overcome, and to borrow from that book by Victor Hugo, Les Miserables — “people at heart have some innate good in them”. This is not the focus of mainstream media today, especially here in the US where almost all are own now by multinational companies beholden to investors.

    My country the Philippines, for example, gets in Western media (with national scope on TV or newspaper) only when there are natural disasters or terrorism, etc. Our tourism industry, as a result, was decimated because of international advisory to be one of those countries that should be avoided.

    There are indeed problems in my country, and that is one area that I am interested to address (so I am not all about “good news”) either, but there must be balance — about how we come to know of other people’s of the world and their culture. This is especially true now in a truly global community where events in one part of the world affects the most remote areas in any country, simply because of the global repercussions.

    I met a few people in the “Against Censorship at Flickr” who were espousing or thinking similar ideas, but then I got banned because the Admin felt “threatened” by my views, and when I wanted to get back at postings in the site, just a month ago — to check the names of those people I met there (it was a public forum), the site just vanished — it used to have more than 10,000 members joining in two days and peaked at around 13,000, I think. So, I lost track of all those contacts — I should have gotten their personal emails.

    Our suspicion was that the Admin (who replaced the summarily banned Admins mostly from Europe) was a plant by Flickr (Yahoo) itself because they were trying to contain any bad publicity. It did not help that quite a number of those protesting were quite abusive with very bad languages — thereby alienating other protestors who were not used to such abuse, and gave the imperial replacement Admins to banish them. I was not abusive, and I was in fact a Moderator there, who used “rebuttals” to refute the assertions of the three replacement Admins, but when there was a mass purge — they swept me with with the so-called saboteurs.


    bossep Friend

    Hello Guys,
    I really like to read what you minas69 and cgc202 is saying!

    As a matter of fact this is way I am here! We started http://www.guatemala-times.com to give the world an alternative view of Guatemala. A country with extreme beauty both in its people and as a country but years of war and our fair share of corruption violence etc. has given us a sometimes deserved bad reputation.
    I have as a matter of fact seen the power of the net first hand. I (and some others) created http://www.tourism-costarica.com to promote the little country of Costa Rica to the world. When we started in 1995 little was known about this jewel of a country. Today it is one of the really hot destinations both for tourists and investors.
    It all started with a bit of vision from us and the government of Costa Rica.

    But I think all this is a bit of-topic here. Perhaps we should find another place for this discussion?


    PS minas, take look at how I used Google translation on the Costa Rican site.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@bossep 58479 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello Guys,
    I really like to read what you minas69 and cgc202 is saying!

    As a matter of fact this is way I am here! We started http://www.guatemala-times.com to give the world an alternative view of Guatemala. A country with extreme beauty both in its people and as a country but years of war and our fair share of corruption violence etc. has given us a sometimes deserved bad reputation.
    I have as a matter of fact seen the power of the net first hand. I (and some others) created http://www.tourism-costarica.com to promote the little country of Costa Rica to the world. When we started in 1995 little was known about this jewel of a country. Today it is one of the really hot destinations both for tourists and investors.
    It all started with a bit of vision from us and the government of Costa Rica.

    But I think all this is a bit of-topic here. Perhaps we should find another place for this discussion?


    PS minas, take look at how I used Google translation on the Costa Rican site.</blockquote>


    When I saw your site and its content, you are one of those who I wanted to contact in the future.
    in a way, I hijacked the thread, contrary to the intent of the original poster in the thread. But, the original questions were already addressed, as far as I know. So, I exercised my sense of discretion.

    Sorry that my response to minas was off topic, but when I was looking at minas’ site — having some sense of familiarity from the images but not comprehending the text — I was compelled to state what was on my mind. To place the thoughts somewhere else would have lost its meaning.

    Again, sorry and to whomever else may be offended because of the off-topic direction of this thread.


    Moderator: Please exercise your judgment if you wish to move the portions in the responses to another thread somewhere else. Thanks.

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This topic contains 17 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  madfish2008 16 years, 6 months ago.

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