December 22, 2012 at 10:02 pm #183356
Hi Guys,
if someone googles my homepage (embrace church leonberg) – Everytime one of the links beyond the domain-header (sitelinks) is including “beez5”. If I click on it, I get to some subsite on my homepage. But the design is not normal. Its strange.
I already deletet the “beez5” Template. But it still appears.
I want to delete the Beez5-Tags in every link.
I installed Joomla with the sample data. I guess thats the problem.
Somehow the Beez-5 Design is mixing up my normal content.How Can I remove? (I already used Google Homepage Tools do devaluate the beez5-link.
It disappears and after few days the “beez5”-Tag is included in another link.Need help :/
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December 23, 2012 at 10:49 am #477272Dear embracel,
Did you turn on SEO settings in your template?and aslo did you put proper meta tags?
DumindaDecember 23, 2012 at 1:57 pm #477278Hi We2Solutions,
in the basic configuration I added “Searchfriendly URLs”. Is there a special option in the templates-menu for SEO?
How does it help my problem?Some sites have meta tags, but not all of them.
I think the problem is not google or SEO-Settings.Somehow my Joomla adds this “beez-5” Tag in every link and list it on Google.
When I devaluate the Link containing beez-5 it dissapears and few days later, there is a new link.My site generates links/subsites with the beez-5 Tag.
I have about 6 Main Sites and a few sub-sites (mydomain.com/news mydomain.com/brunches mydomain/contact….)
And none of the Sites habe “beez-5” included.
But Joomla generates links like that :/Why?
December 23, 2012 at 2:05 pm #477279For example:
My Startsite (which googles find) is this
So in Google my site is listed “Embrace Startsite”. If you click on it, you get to the link.But beyond is another link. Its called: “Home Page beez5”.
If you click on it, you go to the startsite as well.
But the link is this one:
by the way: If you google the “Home Page Beez5” you find hundreds of sites with the same problem.
https://www.google.de/#hl=de&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=%22home+page+beez5%22&oq=%22home+page+beez5%22&gs_l=hp.3…2420.5888.2.6053.…0.0…1c.1.txCIo3cAM8s&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.Yms&fp=ccd707fff5b96947&bpcl=40096503&biw=1745&bih=868Stork11 FriendStork11
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December 26, 2012 at 3:03 am #477522Hello embracel,
I googled “embrace church leonberg” and didn’t face the problem. Maybe problem was caused by cache of Google. Please check my below screenshot.
January 9, 2013 at 4:27 pm #479106Hello,
I’m having the same issue, except that mine says “Home Page Beez2”
My site is up and running and has been for some time. The website is http://www.h5surveying.com
The google search for “h5 surveying” lists the results and included is this link: http://h5surveying.com/index.php/using-joomla/extensions/templates/beez-2/home-page-beez-2?format=feed&type=rss
i see that it is listed as an rss feed, but if you go to this link it’s just code. I would really like to get this corrected as this client is really frustrated about this.
Any thoughts on how to make this go away without breaking the site?
Thank you JA (or anyone else here that understands how to correct this and may care to share that understanding)
Stork11 FriendStork11
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January 10, 2013 at 10:03 am #479241<em>@soggybottommedia 354332 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,
I’m having the same issue, except that mine says “Home Page Beez2”
My site is up and running and has been for some time. The website is http://www.h5surveying.com
The google search for “h5 surveying” lists the results and included is this link: http://h5surveying.com/index.php/using-joomla/extensions/templates/beez-2/home-page-beez-2?format=feed&type=rss
i see that it is listed as an rss feed, but if you go to this link it’s just code. I would really like to get this corrected as this client is really frustrated about this.
Any thoughts on how to make this go away without breaking the site?
Thank you JA (or anyone else here that understands how to correct this and may care to share that understanding)
Hello Matthew,Did you delete the “beez2” template in your site? If so, please wait for Google clean their search result cache.
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