Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)
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  • carmila Friend

    Anybody there?
    I don’t know how can I see the logo in the headadvertisement

    pavit Moderator

    I put a new folder into /templates/ja_teline_iv_t3/images/ folder and now How can I see the logo as you did it? because is published but I see the other logo


    Did you published your script into a custom-html module ? and assigned it to the head-advertisememnt position ?

    carmila Friend

    You did it, and it is published , but I dónt see it. I still seeing the first logo and I duplicate the logo and put it in another position colmass 2 and doesnt see it, Y think the pictures aren’t inthe right folder

    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    As i can see from HERE you were suggested to install a proper module to manage php script or iframes into modules

    I installed Flexi Custom Code module and copied into it your code , as you can see it is still showing a 404 error so your code is wrong , and i don’t know how to setup it , again it is not a Joomlart product , i helped you showing how to embed and override logo , but i think now if you need this working you should ask to code developers to take a look at your website and tell you how to embed that code or at least tell you if the code is correct .

    Again this has nothing to do with the template itself.

    Best regards

    1. Screenshot_9
    carmila Friend

    Thanks for your help
    Can close the ticket
    Best regards

    carmila Friend

    You did not helped me but I decided to make a gif. So can close the issue
    Best regards

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

This topic contains 21 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  carmila 8 years, 7 months ago.

The topic ‘how can I embebed a code of a banner in the header position’ is closed to new replies.