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  • brenot Friend


    I have a JA BRISK based website,

    and I need that the link logo always points to home,

    can somebody helpme?

    the site is at http://harasmh.com.br/


    tslavinaaws Friend


    By default the logo links to “/” , to modify it to point to where ever you want, you can edit the file ‘templates/ja_brisk/tpls/blocks/header.php”

    around line #53 you will see
    [PHP]<a href=”<?php echo JURI::base(true) ?>/” title=”<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>”<?php echo $logoimage ?>>[/PHP]

    that is where your anchor is created for the logo, if you wanted it to point to index.php you could change it to
    [PHP]<a href=”<?php echo JURI::base(true) ?>/index.php” title=”<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>”<?php echo $logoimage ?>>[/PHP]

    Hopefully that answers your question.

    brenot Friend

    Thanks a lot,

    just let me ask you a thing, how can i manage the content of the tag $sitename ?

    I mean, like you told, when the mouse is over they shows JA BRISK, i need to change for the real sitename.

    thanks agains

    tslavinaaws Friend


    That is controlled from the back end. Go into the Template Manager and select JA Brisk – Default then select “Theme” from there you can change the Site Name.

    Please note, I know you have probably already done this for the “Default” theme, but also make sure you do it for the JA Brisk – Home template and any other template colors you are using. If you’ve done it already for the Default theme, then you will notice it works on everything except the home page. that’s because the Home theme needs to be changed also.

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