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  • Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    You can use the module suffix to hide the module in different screen size.
    Here you can see the available module suffix class.
    Go to Responsive utilities section in doc. Page.


    delinea Friend

    is it possible to have the JA-ACM (NewsHome featured-news) module appear on PC and not appear on Smartphones? I tried it with but it did not work. What should I place exactly in the CSS case of the module ?. In addition I inform that with other modules (personalized) I was able to make appear in a format of devices and in others not, but with JA-ACM I did not succeed

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    You can add the module suffix to hide it in mobile

    Set the module style to xhtml from module advance options.
    You can see the classes in the same documentation:


    delinea Friend

    No, it does not work, at this time the hidden-xs is placed in the JoomlArt Advanced Custom Module (Featured News) of News-home, and it does not work, that is, it is seen on all devices.

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Did you applied this > Set the module style to xhtml from module advance options.

    Open JA ACM module advance tab > Module style > xhtml
    save and check.


    delinea Friend

    Hi, you mean this? Is this where I should enter? and what should I do? (sorry I’m not understanding)

    1. moduleJA_ACM
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Here is advanced tab:
    Module style:


    delinea Friend

    so I have it several days ago (it is the first module JA_ACM that is presented in the news_hom) and it appears in all the devices, does not hide them in the smartphone !. I do not know where the error is

    1. featrured_news
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    I am not sure why you are not applying the suggestion on site and posting back to back.
    I suggested many times to add the module suffix and set the module style to xhtml
    I set it on your site and the module is hidden in mobile.
    You can check your site in mobile.

    Kindly apply the suggestion on site before posting on the forum.


    delinea Friend

    Perfect Pankaj !!!, that’s how you say it! now it is solved, but you will have seen by my capture that I had it in the same way but did not apply !. Thank you very much (it happened twice that I do what you tell me and it does not apply and you do!

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  delinea 6 years, 11 months ago.

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