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  • Michael Lungu Friend

    how can i squeeze in a logo at the top without removing the round logo with the spinning circle?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    This is customization and beyond the support scope. But i suggest you can customize by:

    Go to path templates/ja_lens/index.php

    Customize here

    <blockquote><!– LOGO –>
    <div id=”logo”>
    <a href=”<?php JURI::base(true) ?>” title=”<?php echo JText::_(‘JA_DESC’); ?>”><span><?php echo JText::_(‘JA_NAME’); ?></span></a>
    <!– //LOGO –></blockquote>

    And update css styles for the div in /templates/ja_lens/css/template.css

    cybernun Friend

    That is an EXCELLENT question, Mikeaxel.
    This brilliant template has no logo you can change out? WHY would it be designed that way? This – in my opinion, is a major oversight. :((
    But thank you, Ninja Lead. I will try your suggestion.

    cybernun Friend

    Ninja Lead…WHERE in the index.php do you put that code? Anywhere?
    Has anyone tried this? :((:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

    cybernun Friend

    Sorry Ninja Lead:

    And update css styles for the div in /templates/ja_lens/css/template.css

    Can you be more specific and show an example? That would be so helpful.

    swissa Friend

    There is a really cheeky little cheat you can do if you are interested.

    I haven’t really played with it as my Lens is so f***ed after me playing I need to re-install – hacked to bits it is!! 😉

    But, even so playing with my hacked one……

    Make a new menü item and set it at first place, make it a text separator (or external url and make it your home page), and then choose an image in Link Type Options on the right, set Add Menu Title to no and heh presto there is an image for you! You’ll have to play with the size of the image so that it fits the menü but if you can live with that……

    If you want it on the left next to the spinning thingy, set in navigation.css line 22 to float: left; from float: right;

    #mainnav .menu {

    • float: left;


    and you’ve got an image next to the spinning thing!! Maybe not elegant but as I said earlier, I quite like hacking!! 😀

    As you can see I did this really quick and dirty……..

    Right, I’ll get my coat and leave now!! 🙂

    1. Screen-Shot-2012-05-22-at-21.35.52
    cybernun Friend

    Swissa…you be de man. :-*:-*:-*
    I will follow your instructions because it is SUCH A MAJOR issue not to have a logo at top of this site for the client. Major. I was so in love with its features, I never even noticed (and was distracted by the Ja Lens type at bottom)…no logo!
    Will get back to you on this and THANK YOU for seeing this post!

    swissa Friend

    Or you can achieve this too by playing a bit with the css (in conjunction with the menü trick) – ask if you want to know and I’ll go back on what I did and try to discover how! 😀

    1. Screen-Shot-2012-05-22-at-22.00.37
    cybernun Friend

    Oops. My DUH moment is already in place.
    “Make a new menü item and set it at first place, make it a text separator (or external url and make it your home page),”

    I already have a linked Home page. I don’t understand. I created a new menu item (and I can see where you upload an image) but am getting this error message when I try to save as text separator to Menu Item Root:

    “Save failed with the following error: MenusTableMenu: :_getNode Failed “

    and I’m not so worried about the home page gizmo…left is more intuitive for it. There is a space between it and HOME of 290 px x 59 px but it would need to fit fully in nav area (centered).

    THIS IS CRAZY that a major template like this does not have accommodation for a LOGO? And now all this time to try and figure out something that should be there in the first place. :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

    swissa Friend

    <em>@cybernun 321427 wrote:</em><blockquote>Oops. My DUH moment is already in place.
    “Make a new menü item and set it at first place, make it a text separator (or external url and make it your home page),”

    I already have a linked Home page. I don’t understand. I created a new menu item (and I can see where you upload an image) but am getting this error message when I try to save as text separator to Menu Item Root:

    “Save failed with the following error: MenusTableMenu: :_getNode Failed “

    and I’m not so worried about the home page gizmo…left is more intuitive for it. There is a space between it and HOME of 290 px x 59 px but it would need to fit fully in nav area (centered).

    THIS IS CRAZY that a major template like this does not have accommodation for a LOGO? And now all this time to try and figure out something that should be there in the first place. :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:</blockquote>

    Oh dear! You’ve got a problem in your database – you’re not alone on this by the way so don’t take it personally! So before we go any further you need to fix that. So try reading this thread – it involves you playing with myphpadmin in your hosting account but then you’ll be good to go and adding a new menü item will work.

    The new menü item is in effect nothing – just a place to plant an image – that’s why you’re either going to set it to a text separator (when someone clicks on it nothing happens) or you set it as an external url with as the link so that it acts like a logo on any other JA site.

    If you then want to play with where this menü item (image) is placed perhaps we have a possibility to play with by changing the css in the menü set up. Just have to do some more hacking :p

    I don’t build ’em, I just hack ’em! And badly at that! 😀

    Hurry up ‘cos I need my ugly sleep! :laugh:

    1. Screen-Shot-2012-05-22-at-22.42.49
    cybernun Friend

    The menu suggestion is generating error messages (then again, I may not have understood what you were saying)

    I’m trying to reverse engineer.
    There is an image file in Ja_Lens/images/logo1.png
    I cannot locate in template.css or theme.css (I’m using Light theme) but I’ll find it.
    I’m also thinking if I could just replace the spinning gif with an image so will be trying that too.

    I still cannot believe I’m hung up on this for 3 hours now. Jeeze…..:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((

    cybernun Friend

    Hey, you go to bed. I’ll update you as I go along. Maybe tomorrow this can be sorted out so it looks good and not an act of desperation.
    I have to stay on this and solve it. Will do as you suggest and try a few other things too.
    FYI- I DON’T CARE ABOUT THAT DARN GIZMO. A LOGO is more important. I’m starting to wonder if the average age of the developers is fifteen (love what they do but honestly, sometimes you wanna send them a bill for all the unnecessary headaches).
    So. Sleep. I will plow on. 🙂

    swissa Friend

    <em>@cybernun 321438 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    So. Sleep. I will plow on. :)</blockquote>

    Still here at the moment, just helping some other people ruin their websites too! :p

    You have a database problem me dear. It’s not allowing you to add stuff ‘cos you don’t have a line 1 in the db tables. So as is, you’ll never be able to add another menü item or in fact if you try to install a component etc their menüs won’t show on the back end. So ideally you need to the fix with your myphpadmin. If I can do it, then you can too! Take you about 10 mins but for your sake do an akeeba backup first!

    I know you can change the logo too – that’s up to you. Let me know and I’ll try to help. I’ll even open a beer so you’ve got a little while!! 😎

    cybernun Friend

    As far as the adding a new menu item error message referred to previously, I’m not getting it (I deleted the new menu item I added and the message has not appeared again).

    I did it. However, I sacrificed the cute circle gif gizmo (which my client would not have wanted but it was cute).

    I tested this solution on my iPhone and it works fine. I changed the background to white (default is black even in “Light”).

    HERE’s HOW:

    1. I checked the template.css and sure enough there was a logo section (WHY DIDN’T I CHECK THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE?)
    2. I removed everything except:
    /* Logo Text —*/
    #logo {
    float: left;
    position: relative;
    width: 148px;
    height: 58px;
    background: none;

    #logo h1 {
    height: 58px;
    width: 148px;
    background: #de3068

    #logo h1 a {
    color: #fff
    padding-left: 0px;
    width: 148px;
    height: 58px;
    line-height: 60px;
    background: url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat center center;
    display: block;
    font-size: 0px;
    text-indent: -9999em;

    #logo h1 a:hover {


    #logo h1 a span {
    display: none;

    2. I replaced the Ja Lens circle “logo.png” with my own (uploaded it via ftp to the theme/light/images folder because I’m using Light)
    3. I changed the width parameters in 3 places
    4. Ta da!
    5. PROBLEM! Because so much is now different for this responsive template, even the index.php is alien. CANNOT FIGURE OUT HOW TO CORRECTLY LINK THE LOGO BACK TO HOME PAGE.

    So, that’s the next challenge. 😮

    1. Screen-Shot-2012-05-22-at-6.35.32-PM
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Hi cybernun,

    Many discuss about this:)

    JA Lens is using CSS3 and about customize logo includes:

    <blockquote>templates/ja_lens/index.php line 114 to 120</blockquote>, you can change text to image or customize other if you like

    >>spinning circle on logo<<

    This is css3 attribute hover, you can remove spinning circle on logo as follows :

    <blockquote>/templates/ja_lens/css/template.css line 716</blockquote>


    <blockquote>#logo h1 a:hover {
    -webkit-animation-name: rotate;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 0.5s;
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    -webkit-transition-timing-function: linear;
    -moz-animation-name: rotate;
    -moz-animation-duration: 10s;
    -moz-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    -moz-transition-timing-function: linear;

    Hope this helps.


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