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  • baronti JATC

    How can resize the image fp. See attachment please. :((

    1. change_img_fp
    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    send your live site

    baronti JATC
    Phill Moderator

    You mean something like I have done here?


    It involves modifying a little php and some css.

    First you need to open templates>ja_quartz>html>com_content>frontpage>default_item.php

    find the code

    global $mainframe;
    $imageWidth = 70;
    $imageHeight = 70;

    and change the figures in red to the desired dimensions of your image.

    Then, to remove the date find the following and remove it.

    <div class="article-meta">

    <?php if ($this->item->params->get('show_create_date')) : ?>
    <span class="createdate">
    <?php echo JHTML::_('date', $this->item->created, '%a - %d <span class="month">%b</span>'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>


    Once we have done that we need to adjust a couple of bits of css to reposition the image and text to make it look nice and neat.

    Open templates>ja_quartz>css>template.css


    /* Override fontpage */
    .contentpaneopen_fp {
    position: relative;
    padding-left: 70px;

    The 70px shifts the image to the right to make room for the date, as you are not using the date, set this to 0px

    Next you will need to reposition your text box so find.

    .contentpaneopen_fp .ja-innerpad {
    padding-left: 88px;
    min-height: 100px;

    and adjust the figure in red as required. As I do not know the size of your image I cannot give an exact figure here but 18-20px larger than your image is about right. So, if you set an image width of 120px in the first stage then set 138px here.

    Hope that helps.

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