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  • optimus74 Friend

    Good evening,

    I am triying to activate the “content” module that is shows on the demo template so I can use it to display articles of my “News & Events” category. I am not using k2 component and I have just created a category called “News & Event”, where I have alredy published 3 articles.

    I want to display the 3 articles that I have published on this category, but I don´t really know how to handle this. I have tried but I cannot find the module position called “content”… :((

    ¿Could you please give me some advise?

    Thank you very much.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Optimus74,

    If you wanna open a page that displays this category’s articles, you can create a new menu item with type of ‘category’ and assign category “News & Events” to this menu item.

    If you wanna display in a specific module position, you need to create a new module with type of articles/ categories > select category you want to display then assign this module to that position.

    Hope this helps.

    optimus74 Friend

    Hello Saguaros,

    I have followed your instructions. The menu item “News & Event” that conect to the “News & Events” category its been created. But when I try to create a new module to display the articles of the category mentioned, I cant see the “content” position, it is not there.

    On the other hand, on the Ja Mendozite demo, the news that displays on front page are paragrhaps that contains onlye 3 lines of text and the next line the “read more buttom”.

    ¿Could you please let me know ho to archive this?

    Many thanks for the help!

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi optimus74 again,

    It’s Home menu item with types of Featured Articles, it shall display all featured articles from selected categories: http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/575/8951431434.png

    optimus74 Friend

    Hello again,

    I have spent 2 days trying to make news appear at the front page (as it shows on demo), but cannot make it. I really need to know in wich module position should I put the news published in “News and Events” category. I would like this articles to appear same as in the demo.

    I have installed the Ja Side News, but even that I dont know wich module position to asign.

    ¿Is there anybody that can help me to archive this please?

    Thank you very much.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear optimus74,

    About the JA Side Newsmodule, do you mean this one: http://static.joomlart.com/images/templates/j25/mendozite/mega-front.png. ?
    This module is assigned to mega position, you can check this in backend settings

    optimus74 Friend

    Dear Saguaros,

    Thank you very much for your answer and help. I have tried to put the Ja Side News module at position you said (mega), but it doesnt work at all. I may have done something wrong in my site, but its imposible for me to set up this module properly.

    I have checked the position layout and aparently the position I suposse to set up the Ja Side News is the “content” position. But, in the module setup section, this position doenst exists at all, I mean, the “content” position doesnt exist in my site.

    This is really confising for me; in the past I used the Ja Teline in other sites and it was so easy to set up this module, but now I cannot make it.

    I really need some help, and honestly, I cannot find a solution to archive this.

    I forget to say that I am using Joomla 2.5 version from Joomlaspanish.

    Thank you again.

    1. module_ja_side_news
    2. position_layout
    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear optimus74,

    I would suggest that you could activate the content-mass-top position and assign this Ja Side News module to this content-mass-top position. You can follow these steps:

    – Open file: templatesja_mendoziteetclayoutsdefault.xml

    <blocks name="middle" colwidth="33">
    <block name="right1">left</block>
    <block name="right2" width="25">right</block>


    <blocks name="middle" colwidth="20" fixheight="1">
    <block name="content-mass-top">content-mass-top</block>
    <block name="right1">left</block>
    <block name="right2">right</block>

    – Open file: templatesja_mendozitetemplateDetails.xml

    <position>content-mass-top</position> Add this line

    – Go to Ja Side News module and assign to content-mass-top position

    – If you wanna remove this current main content: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=22066&d=1340844589
    you should go to Template manager > Your default template http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/580/1880004841.png

    Hope this helps.

    optimus74 Friend

    Hello again Saguaros,

    Sorry it takes so long to reply. Now it is working very well for me, I could make it as in the template demo.

    Thank you so much for your help.

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  optimus74 12 years, 5 months ago.

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