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  • mvollero Friend

    I only changed the names of the links in the mainmenu above the display image. The dropdown arrow is gone on what used to be “Explore” which is now “Studies.” Where did this arrow go?

    Secondly, sometimes the drop down does not appear, othertimes it does. When it does, it’s a permanent light-brown bar that only shows the sub-level-1, and then a mouse over on those gives a floating pop up menu for the second-level-sub-menu.

    Any suggestions for how to continue editing this menu and bringing back the original shape and design from the quickstart?

    Thank you,
    ~Michael A.

    Sherlock Friend

    hi mvollero,

    It is hard for us to provide assistance without seeing your issue directly, kindly post here the URL where the issue can be seen also attach a screenshot which describes the problem if possible. Thanks!

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