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  • steve yoon Friend

    I need to insert slideshow size 100% width on top of content.
    Do I need to create new module position?
    If so how do I add new module position above content.


    1. seleni
    khoand Friend

    – You install slideshow module, set Enabled is Yes, set Main Item width is 950, set position is slideshow
    – Edit <joomla url>templatesja_selenilayoutsdefault.php file, add

    <!-- SLIDESHOW -->
    <?php if($this->countModules('slideshow')) : ?>
    <div id="slideshow" class="wrap">
    <div class="main">
    <div class="inner clearfix">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="slideshow" />
    <?php endif; ?>
    <!-- //SLIDESHOW -->


    <!-- MAIN CONTAINER -->
    <div id="ja-container" class="wrap <?php echo $this->getColumnWidth('cls_w'); ?>">

    steve yoon Friend

    Thank you so much khoand.

    I am using 3rd party slideshow extension(gavick).

    I have installed extension properly.

    When I set the module show on contents top, it works.

    If I edit and add your code on default.php, nothing shows. I may set it worng.

    I set module name to slideshow, type is news_image_6_1, and position set to left.

    Can you please help me how to set the code based on my module setting?

    Thank you so much!

    1. seleni2
    2. seleni3
    khoand Friend

    My code I gave you is only right for slideshow module (joomlart). Maybe I can help you if I know name of extension you use exactly. I need a link to extension to download)

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  khoand 13 years, 9 months ago.

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