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  • SHoggard Friend

    How do I change colour of mega-menu items.

    The Font is (by my guess #9D9999 which is far too subtle to even be noticed on a #FFFFFF background.
    So I’d like to change both font colour & background

    gray Friend

    Mega menu items are listed in
    <ul class=”ja-megamenu menu”>
    <li class=”havechild mega item”>
    <a class=”megaitem” href=”#”>

    So, you can update declaration of a.megaitem class in mod_jamegamenu.css, or create separate class for <span>

    SHoggard Friend

    Sorry, but you lost me, I’m not a coder… what exactly do I change to get the menu names in a different colour?

    gray Friend

    Open mod_jamegamenu.css


    .ja-megamenu li.mega a.megaitem {

    Change to

    .ja-megamenu li.mega a.megaitem {

    That would chage text of the menu items to yellow (#F0FF2F).

    MICHAEL Friend


    Thank you for this post!

    But, how can i customize only one mega item ??

    See the picture attached,

    Thank you

    1. mega-item-color
    Saguaros Moderator

    <em>@mickaoy 192390 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    Thank you for this post!

    But, how can i customize only one mega item ??

    See the picture attached,

    Thank you</blockquote>
    now, you to menu manager and edit “menu”, in the Parameters (JA Extended), you put the “myclass” into the Additional class parameter

    and then you add the following css into the template.css file:


    MICHAEL Friend


    Sorry, i dont get it…
    I go menu manager ?? Then ?

    I dont find JA Extended !!

    Can you explain with more details ??


    I have Teline III 1.4…

    gray Friend

    <em>@mickaoy 192932 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I dont find JA Extended !!
    Can you explain with more details ??
    I have Teline III 1.4…</blockquote>

    If you are using T3 framework (download page), open the Menu Manager, open the menu item you’d like to highlight and you’ll see the Parameters (JA Extended) tab on the right side.

    MICHAEL Friend

    No, i dont use T3 framework 2

    So I install

    • com_jaextmanager.v1.5.2,
    • plg_system_jat3.v1.1.6
    • plg_system_jatypo.v2.0.0

    I see now Parameters (JA Extended) but i cant add Additional class because i dont have menu for login module in mega-item that a want to customize

    I just want to change color of one item in mega-item. This item is a module for login…so i can only access to this in module manager !!


    Don Lee Friend

    <em>@mickaoy 192970 wrote:</em><blockquote>No, i dont use T3 framework 2

    So I install

    • com_jaextmanager.v1.5.2,
    • plg_system_jat3.v1.1.6
    • plg_system_jatypo.v2.0.0

    I see now Parameters (JA Extended) but i cant add Additional class because i dont have menu for login module in mega-item that a want to customize

    I just want to change color of one item in mega-item. This item is a module for login…so i can only access to this in module manager !!


    Plz consult this post http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/control-mega-menu-last-menuitem-color/#post-354784

    MICHAEL Friend

    Houllala, i must miss something…
    Ok, i have TELINE III 1.4.

    I still dont have mega-menu like the new template 1.4.1 ok ??

    I didn’t instal the system plugin jamenuparams also !

    Im talking about module ja_megamenu !!!

    JA Mega Menu

    JA Mega Menu Installation Guide(mod_jamegamenu.zip)
    [position: megamenu ]

    JA MegaMenu module creates a handful menu where calls all modules having the same position. In demo JA Teline III, the JA MegaMenu locates at top right corner of the page:

    Step 1: Installation
    You follow simple steps below:

    1/ Install the module via Joomla Installer
    2/ Assign module JA MegaMenu to the position: {megamenu}
    3/ Enable the module

    Note, if you refresh your frontpage now, the module JA MegaMenu is not yet be shown. There need be some additional configuration to make it work. If you are new to plugin installation, follow detailed guideline How to install Joomla Plugin.</blockquote>

    So i cant do what you say to me!

    I just want to customize one module and i can access to this module only by module manager!!!

    Thank you,

    1. mega-item-color
    MICHAEL Friend

    Can i get some help for this issues please ???

    Thank you

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