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  • jimewart Friend

    I am implementing a new site using Joomla 3.1.1 and the T3 Framework t3.1.2.5 & T3-blank template. I have been struggling to determine where the height of the t3-footer and t3-copyright blocks are being set. I only intend to have a single copyright line, about 30px but the block is about 210px high. Thank you for your help. Jim

    il_bujia Friend


    You can try with padding propertie.

    Scott Lavelle Friend

    I’ve been generally removing the whole T3-copyright block from the bottom and using the footer spotlight. Of course, you can do whatever you need to accomplish your goal, but I’ve found that there is some extra styling on that copyright block at the bottom that I have to work around and I usually wind up with a few blocks across my footer anyway, so I use the footer spotlight.

    To do this, I go to the templates/t3_blank/tpls/blocks/footer.php file and remove the whole section that is the copyright block at the bottom, which leaves me with this:

    <!-- FOOT NAVIGATION -->
    <div class="container">
    <div class="footer-top"></div>
    <?php $this->spotlight ('footnav', 'footer-1, footer-2, footer-3, footer-4, footer-5, footer-6') ?>
    <div class="footer-bottom"></div>
    <!-- //FOOT NAVIGATION -->


    Then in my custom.css file, I get rid of the padding (actually reduce it most of the time from 40px on both top and bottom to something more like this) :

    footer#t3-footer div.t3-spotlight {
    padding-top: 10px;
    padding-bottom: 0;

    Then in the modules that are inside that footer, remove the margin on the bottom, like this (for all three I have going across usually as custom HTML modules):

    div.module_footer-contact {
    text-align: center;
    margin-bottom: 5px;

    Does this help?

    Scott Lavelle - Technical Resource Solutions, LLC
    Certified Joomla Administrator

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @slavelle; Thanks for helping

    jimewart Friend

    Thank you for the help. I followed your suggestions on the custom code, moved it to footer-1 and removed the footer block entirely.


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  jimewart 11 years, 7 months ago.

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