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  • assadniang Friend

    I would like to create another JA TABS (with the tabs effect) and publish it on user9. Do I have to modify the template in order to do that?


    TomC Moderator

    I would think you could simply copy/duplicate the module and assign it to your user9 position.

    You may also need to duplicate (and then modify) the relative css for the original tabs module – depending on the layout you are going for.

    assadniang Friend

    I would think so too.

    I copied this code from user6 in index.php to user 10, and publish user10, now both module do not show up…
    [PHP]<?php if ($this->countModules(‘user10’)) : ?>
    <script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl(); ?>/mootabs/mootabs1.2.js”></script>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    window.addEvent(‘load’, initmootabs);
    function initmootabs() {
    myTabs1 = new jamootabs(‘ja-tabs’, {
    <?php echo $ja_mootabs_options; ?>
    <div id=”ja-tabswrap”>
    <div id=”ja-tabs” class=”clearfix”>
    <div class=”ja-tab-panels”>
    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”user10″ style=”xhtml” />
    <?php endif; ?>[/PHP]

    assadniang Friend

    Could anyone help me with this please, I really need it before I publish my site


    ruigato Friend

    thats why i like more to use modules in this cases and not embebed things.

    with modules we could publish this in any position and duplicate it if we want.

    tennisnews Friend

    <em>@assadniang 52397 wrote:</em><blockquote>Could anyone help me with this please, I really need it before I publish my site


    has anyone got an answer on this topic? it looks like when you duplicate the code and assign it to user10 e.g. none of user 6 nor user 10 work. any ideas of what would be the problem?

    kashxo Friend

    Maybe you guys will intested in new JA Tabs plugins and modules here:

    You can duplicate, put it anywhere. Also, please read the document provided with it, will help you much while customize JA Tabs

    hooka Friend

    For some reason when I try to use the module, it does not display correctly. I also get an error on page that says – jatabs undefined???

    tennisnews Friend

    thanks for the link – i had this in mind but it doesn’t seem to work well – as maybe still in beta – i was looking for a solution of duplicating user 6 in index.php…

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