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  • enjutsukai Friend

    I have searched this forum but have not found the answer.

    In JA Kyanite II menu there is text below the menu text, like it says HOME and below it says Kyanite’s home on the same button.

    Can someone please tell me how to remove that text and will that re-size the menu height once removed.

    Thank you in advance.

    alpa JA JobBoard

    Dear enjutsukai

    I believe your question has been answered here:


    Hope this helps 🙂


    enjutsukai Friend

    Well that is not at all what i meant but thanks. I didnt want to center the text I wanted to remove the bottom text them make the menu height smaller.
    If someone else can help that would be great.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Dear enjutsukai

    You can hide menu’s description by going to Administrator -> Menu -> Main Menu, then click the item where you want to hide description. Next in Parameters (JA Extended) tab you remove this description, then you need edit css menu-desc class in templatesja_kyanite_iicssmenu folder
    However, to remove completely this description, you must remove line code 337
    [PHP]$txt .= ‘<span class=”menu-desc”>’. $tmp->megaparams->get(‘desc’).'</span>’;[/PHP]
    in file templatesja_kyanite_iilibsmenubase.class.php

    Hope you success

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Anonymous 14 years, 7 months ago.

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